'use strict' const test = require('tap').test const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const http = require('http') const https = require('https') const install = require('../lib/install') require('npmlog').level = 'warn' test('download over http', function (t) { t.plan(2) var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { t.strictEqual(req.headers['user-agent'], 'node-gyp v42 (node ' + process.version + ')') res.end('ok') server.close() }) var host = 'localhost' server.listen(0, host, function () { var port = this.address().port var gyp = { opts: {}, version: '42' } var url = 'http://' + host + ':' + port var req = install.test.download(gyp, {}, url) req.on('response', function (res) { var body = '' res.setEncoding('utf8') res.on('data', function (data) { body += data }) res.on('end', function () { t.strictEqual(body, 'ok') }) }) }) }) test('download over https with custom ca', function (t) { t.plan(3) var cert = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/server.crt'), 'utf8') var key = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/server.key'), 'utf8') var cafile = path.join(__dirname, '/fixtures/ca.crt') var ca = install.test.readCAFile(cafile) t.strictEqual(ca.length, 1) var options = { ca: ca, cert: cert, key: key } var server = https.createServer(options, function (req, res) { t.strictEqual(req.headers['user-agent'], 'node-gyp v42 (node ' + process.version + ')') res.end('ok') server.close() }) server.on('clientError', function (err) { throw err }) var host = 'localhost' server.listen(8000, host, function () { var port = this.address().port var gyp = { opts: { cafile: cafile }, version: '42' } var url = 'https://' + host + ':' + port var req = install.test.download(gyp, {}, url) req.on('response', function (res) { var body = '' res.setEncoding('utf8') res.on('data', function (data) { body += data }) res.on('end', function () { t.strictEqual(body, 'ok') }) }) }) }) test('download with missing cafile', function (t) { t.plan(1) var gyp = { opts: { cafile: 'no.such.file' } } try { install.test.download(gyp, {}, 'http://bad/') } catch (e) { t.ok(/no.such.file/.test(e.message)) } }) test('check certificate splitting', function (t) { var cas = install.test.readCAFile(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/ca-bundle.crt')) t.plan(2) t.strictEqual(cas.length, 2) t.notStrictEqual(cas[0], cas[1]) })