'use strict' const assert = require('assert') const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer const realZlib = require('zlib') const constants = exports.constants = require('./constants.js') const MiniPass = require('minipass') const OriginalBufferConcat = Buffer.concat class ZlibError extends Error { constructor (msg, errno) { super('zlib: ' + msg) this.errno = errno this.code = codes.get(errno) } get name () { return 'ZlibError' } } // translation table for return codes. const codes = new Map([ [constants.Z_OK, 'Z_OK'], [constants.Z_STREAM_END, 'Z_STREAM_END'], [constants.Z_NEED_DICT, 'Z_NEED_DICT'], [constants.Z_ERRNO, 'Z_ERRNO'], [constants.Z_STREAM_ERROR, 'Z_STREAM_ERROR'], [constants.Z_DATA_ERROR, 'Z_DATA_ERROR'], [constants.Z_MEM_ERROR, 'Z_MEM_ERROR'], [constants.Z_BUF_ERROR, 'Z_BUF_ERROR'], [constants.Z_VERSION_ERROR, 'Z_VERSION_ERROR'] ]) const validFlushFlags = new Set([ constants.Z_NO_FLUSH, constants.Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH, constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, constants.Z_FULL_FLUSH, constants.Z_FINISH, constants.Z_BLOCK ]) const strategies = new Set([ constants.Z_FILTERED, constants.Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, constants.Z_RLE, constants.Z_FIXED, constants.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY ]) // the Zlib class they all inherit from // This thing manages the queue of requests, and returns // true or false if there is anything in the queue when // you call the .write() method. const _opts = Symbol('opts') const _flushFlag = Symbol('flushFlag') const _finishFlush = Symbol('finishFlush') const _handle = Symbol('handle') const _onError = Symbol('onError') const _sawError = Symbol('sawError') const _level = Symbol('level') const _strategy = Symbol('strategy') const _ended = Symbol('ended') class Zlib extends MiniPass { constructor (opts, mode) { super(opts) this[_ended] = false this[_opts] = opts = opts || {} if (opts.flush && !validFlushFlags.has(opts.flush)) { throw new TypeError('Invalid flush flag: ' + opts.flush) } if (opts.finishFlush && !validFlushFlags.has(opts.finishFlush)) { throw new TypeError('Invalid flush flag: ' + opts.finishFlush) } this[_flushFlag] = opts.flush || constants.Z_NO_FLUSH this[_finishFlush] = typeof opts.finishFlush !== 'undefined' ? opts.finishFlush : constants.Z_FINISH if (opts.chunkSize) { if (opts.chunkSize < constants.Z_MIN_CHUNK) { throw new RangeError('Invalid chunk size: ' + opts.chunkSize) } } if (opts.windowBits) { if (opts.windowBits < constants.Z_MIN_WINDOWBITS || opts.windowBits > constants.Z_MAX_WINDOWBITS) { throw new RangeError('Invalid windowBits: ' + opts.windowBits) } } if (opts.level) { if (opts.level < constants.Z_MIN_LEVEL || opts.level > constants.Z_MAX_LEVEL) { throw new RangeError('Invalid compression level: ' + opts.level) } } if (opts.memLevel) { if (opts.memLevel < constants.Z_MIN_MEMLEVEL || opts.memLevel > constants.Z_MAX_MEMLEVEL) { throw new RangeError('Invalid memLevel: ' + opts.memLevel) } } if (opts.strategy && !(strategies.has(opts.strategy))) throw new TypeError('Invalid strategy: ' + opts.strategy) if (opts.dictionary) { if (!(opts.dictionary instanceof Buffer)) { throw new TypeError('Invalid dictionary: it should be a Buffer instance') } } this[_handle] = new realZlib[mode](opts) this[_onError] = (err) => { this[_sawError] = true // there is no way to cleanly recover. // continuing only obscures problems. this.close() const error = new ZlibError(err.message, err.errno) this.emit('error', error) } this[_handle].on('error', this[_onError]) const level = typeof opts.level === 'number' ? opts.level : constants.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION var strategy = typeof opts.strategy === 'number' ? opts.strategy : constants.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY // API changed in node v9 /* istanbul ignore next */ this[_level] = level this[_strategy] = strategy this.once('end', this.close) } close () { if (this[_handle]) { this[_handle].close() this[_handle] = null this.emit('close') } } params (level, strategy) { if (this[_sawError]) return if (!this[_handle]) throw new Error('cannot switch params when binding is closed') // no way to test this without also not supporting params at all /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!this[_handle].params) throw new Error('not supported in this implementation') if (level < constants.Z_MIN_LEVEL || level > constants.Z_MAX_LEVEL) { throw new RangeError('Invalid compression level: ' + level) } if (!(strategies.has(strategy))) throw new TypeError('Invalid strategy: ' + strategy) if (this[_level] !== level || this[_strategy] !== strategy) { this.flush(constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) assert(this[_handle], 'zlib binding closed') // .params() calls .flush(), but the latter is always async in the // core zlib. We override .flush() temporarily to intercept that and // flush synchronously. const origFlush = this[_handle].flush this[_handle].flush = (flushFlag, cb) => { this[_handle].flush = origFlush this.flush(flushFlag) cb() } this[_handle].params(level, strategy) /* istanbul ignore else */ if (this[_handle]) { this[_level] = level this[_strategy] = strategy } } } reset () { if (!this[_sawError]) { assert(this[_handle], 'zlib binding closed') return this[_handle].reset() } } flush (kind) { if (kind === undefined) kind = constants.Z_FULL_FLUSH if (this.ended) return const flushFlag = this[_flushFlag] this[_flushFlag] = kind this.write(Buffer.alloc(0)) this[_flushFlag] = flushFlag } end (chunk, encoding, cb) { if (chunk) this.write(chunk, encoding) this.flush(this[_finishFlush]) this[_ended] = true return super.end(null, null, cb) } get ended () { return this[_ended] } write (chunk, encoding, cb) { // process the chunk using the sync process // then super.write() all the outputted chunks if (typeof encoding === 'function') cb = encoding, encoding = 'utf8' if (typeof chunk === 'string') chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding) if (this[_sawError]) return assert(this[_handle], 'zlib binding closed') // _processChunk tries to .close() the native handle after it's done, so we // intercept that by temporarily making it a no-op. const nativeHandle = this[_handle]._handle const originalNativeClose = nativeHandle.close nativeHandle.close = () => {} const originalClose = this[_handle].close this[_handle].close = () => {} // It also calls `Buffer.concat()` at the end, which may be convenient // for some, but which we are not interested in as it slows us down. Buffer.concat = (args) => args let result try { result = this[_handle]._processChunk(chunk, this[_flushFlag]) } catch (err) { this[_onError](err) } finally { Buffer.concat = OriginalBufferConcat if (this[_handle]) { // Core zlib resets `_handle` to null after attempting to close the // native handle. Our no-op handler prevented actual closure, but we // need to restore the `._handle` property. this[_handle]._handle = nativeHandle nativeHandle.close = originalNativeClose this[_handle].close = originalClose // `_processChunk()` adds an 'error' listener. If we don't remove it // after each call, these handlers start piling up. this[_handle].removeAllListeners('error') } } let writeReturn if (result) { if (Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) { // The first buffer is always `handle._outBuffer`, which would be // re-used for later invocations; so, we always have to copy that one. writeReturn = super.write(Buffer.from(result[0])) for (let i = 1; i < result.length; i++) { writeReturn = super.write(result[i]) } } else { writeReturn = super.write(Buffer.from(result)) } } if (cb) cb() return writeReturn } } // minimal 2-byte header class Deflate extends Zlib { constructor (opts) { super(opts, 'Deflate') } } class Inflate extends Zlib { constructor (opts) { super(opts, 'Inflate') } } // gzip - bigger header, same deflate compression class Gzip extends Zlib { constructor (opts) { super(opts, 'Gzip') } } class Gunzip extends Zlib { constructor (opts) { super(opts, 'Gunzip') } } // raw - no header class DeflateRaw extends Zlib { constructor (opts) { super(opts, 'DeflateRaw') } } class InflateRaw extends Zlib { constructor (opts) { super(opts, 'InflateRaw') } } // auto-detect header. class Unzip extends Zlib { constructor (opts) { super(opts, 'Unzip') } } exports.Deflate = Deflate exports.Inflate = Inflate exports.Gzip = Gzip exports.Gunzip = Gunzip exports.DeflateRaw = DeflateRaw exports.InflateRaw = InflateRaw exports.Unzip = Unzip