var Table = require('../src/table'); var colors = require('colors/safe'); module.exports = function(runTest) { function it(name,fn) { var result = fn(); runTest(name,result[0],result[1],result[2]); } it('use colSpan to span columns - (colSpan above normal cell)',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{colSpan:2,content:'greetings'}], [{colSpan:2,content:'greetings'}], ['hello','howdy'] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────────────┐' , '│ greetings │' , '├───────────────┤' , '│ greetings │' , '├───────┬───────┤' , '│ hello │ howdy │' , '└───────┴───────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('use colSpan to span columns - (colSpan below normal cell)',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( ['hello','howdy'], [{colSpan:2,content:'greetings'}], [{colSpan:2,content:'greetings'}] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────┬───────┐' , '│ hello │ howdy │' , '├───────┴───────┤' , '│ greetings │' , '├───────────────┤' , '│ greetings │' , '└───────────────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('use rowSpan to span rows - (rowSpan on the left side)',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{rowSpan:2,content:'greetings'},{rowSpan:2,content:'greetings',vAlign:'center'},'hello'], ['howdy'] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────────┬───────────┬───────┐' , '│ greetings │ │ hello │' , '│ │ greetings ├───────┤' , '│ │ │ howdy │' , '└───────────┴───────────┴───────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('use rowSpan to span rows - (rowSpan on the right side)',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( ['hello',{rowSpan:2,content:'greetings'},{rowSpan:2,content:'greetings',vAlign:'bottom'}], ['howdy'] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────┬───────────┬───────────┐' , '│ hello │ greetings │ │' , '├───────┤ │ │' , '│ howdy │ │ greetings │' , '└───────┴───────────┴───────────┘' ]; return[makeTable,expected]; }); it('mix rowSpan and colSpan together for complex table layouts',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{content:'hello',colSpan:2},{rowSpan:2, colSpan:2,content:'sup'},{rowSpan:3,content:'hi'}], [{content:'howdy',colSpan:2}], ['o','k','',''] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────┬─────┬────┐' , '│ hello │ sup │ hi │' , '├───────┤ │ │' , '│ howdy │ │ │' , '├───┬───┼──┬──┤ │' , '│ o │ k │ │ │ │' , '└───┴───┴──┴──┴────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('multi-line content will flow across rows in rowSpan cells',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( ['hello',{rowSpan:2,content:'greetings\nfriends'},{rowSpan:2,content:'greetings\nfriends'}], ['howdy'] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────┬───────────┬───────────┐' , '│ hello │ greetings │ greetings │' , '├───────┤ friends │ friends │' , '│ howdy │ │ │' , '└───────┴───────────┴───────────┘' ]; return [makeTable, expected]; }); it('multi-line content will flow across rows in rowSpan cells - (complex layout)',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{content:'hello',colSpan:2},{rowSpan:2, colSpan:2,content:'sup\nman\nhey'},{rowSpan:3,content:'hi\nyo'}], [{content:'howdy',colSpan:2}], ['o','k','',''] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────┬─────┬────┐' , '│ hello │ sup │ hi │' , '├───────┤ man │ yo │' , '│ howdy │ hey │ │' , '├───┬───┼──┬──┤ │' , '│ o │ k │ │ │ │' , '└───┴───┴──┴──┴────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('rowSpan cells can have a staggered layout',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{content:'a',rowSpan:2},'b'], [{content:'c',rowSpan:2}], ['d'] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───┬───┐' , '│ a │ b │' , '│ ├───┤' , '│ │ c │' , '├───┤ │' , '│ d │ │' , '└───┴───┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('the layout manager automatically create empty cells to fill in the table',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); //notice we only create 3 cells here, but the table ends up having 6. table.push( [{content:'a',rowSpan:3,colSpan:2},'b'], [], [{content:'c',rowSpan:2,colSpan:2}], [] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───┬───┬──┐' , '│ a │ b │ │' // top-right and bottom-left cells are automatically created to fill the empty space , '│ ├───┤ │' , '│ │ │ │' , '│ ├───┴──┤' , '│ │ c │' , '├───┤ │' , '│ │ │' , '└───┴──────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('use table `rowHeights` option to fix row height. The truncation symbol will be shown on the last line.',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({rowHeights:[2],style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push(['hello\nhi\nsup']); return table; } var expected = [ '┌───────┐' , '│ hello │' , '│ hi… │' , '└───────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('if `colWidths` is not specified, the layout manager will automatically widen rows to fit the content',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{colSpan:2,content:'hello there'}], ['hi', 'hi'] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌─────────────┐' , '│ hello there │' , '├──────┬──────┤' , '│ hi │ hi │' , '└──────┴──────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('you can specify a column width for only the first row, other rows will be automatically widened to fit content',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({colWidths:[4],style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{colSpan:2,content:'hello there'}], ['hi',{hAlign:'center',content:'hi'}] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌─────────────┐' , '│ hello there │' , '├────┬────────┤' , '│ hi │ hi │' , '└────┴────────┘' ]; return [makeTable, expected]; }); it('a column with a null column width will be automatically widened to fit content',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({colWidths:[null, 4],style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push( [{colSpan:2,content:'hello there'}], [{hAlign:'right',content:'hi'}, 'hi'] ); return table; } var expected = [ '┌─────────────┐' , '│ hello there │' , '├────────┬────┤' , '│ hi │ hi │' , '└────────┴────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected]; }); it('feel free to use colors in your content strings, column widths will be calculated correctly',function(){ function makeTable(){ var table = new Table({colWidths:[5],style:{head:[],border:[]}}); table.push(['hello')]); return table; } var expected = [ '┌─────┐' , '│ ' +'he') + '… │' , '└─────┘' ]; return [makeTable,expected,'truncation-with-colors']; }); }; /* var expected = [ '┌──┬───┬──┬──┐' , '│ │ │ │ │' , '├──┼───┼──┼──┤' , '│ │ … │ │ │' , '├──┼───┼──┼──┤' , '│ │ … │ │ │' , '└──┴───┴──┴──┘' ]; */