import React from 'react' import styled from 'styled-components' import FeatureCard from './FeatureCard' import { FeatureLink } from '../links' import { Flex } from 'rebass' import rectangles from '../../images/background-rectangles.svg' import terminalIcon from '../../images/terminal-icon.svg' import networkIcon from '../../images/network-icon.svg' import npmIcon from '../../images/npm-icon.png' import managerIcon from '../../images/manager-icon.svg' const ContainerInner = styled(Flex)` background: linear-gradient(84deg, #fb881799, #ff4b0199, #c1212799, #e02aff99); ` const Container = styled.div` background: top / cover no-repeat url(${rectangles}); ` const ContentWrapper = styled(Flex)` max-width: 640px; ` const featureTexts = { textOne: 'Download, install, and configure.', textTwo: 'All available npm commands.', textThree: 'How npm things work.', textFour: 'Publish your own public or private packages to the registry with a free or paid account on from npm, Inc.' } const featureTitles = { titleOne: 'Getting Started', titleTwo: 'Command Reference', titleThree: 'Using npm', titleFour: 'Publishing' } const aStyle = { color: '#231f20', textDecoration: 'none' } const productsLink = `` const Features = () => { return ( ) } export default Features