environment: matrix: # LTS is our most important target - nodejs_version: "4" # next LTS and master is next most important - nodejs_version: "6" # still in LTS maintenance until fall 2016 # (also still in wide use) - nodejs_version: "0.10" # will be unsupported as soon as 6 becomes LTS and 7 released - nodejs_version: "5" # technically in LTS / distros, unbeloved - nodejs_version: "0.12" COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN: secure: XdC0aySefK0HLh1GNk6aKrzZPbCfPQLyA4mYtFGEp4DrTuZA/iuCUS0LDqFYO8JQ platform: - x86 - x64 install: - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version $env:platform - npm config set spin false - npm rebuild - node . install -g . - set "PATH=%APPDATA%\npm;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec;%PATH%" - npm install --loglevel=http test_script: - node --version - npm --version - npm test notifications: - provider: Slack incoming_webhook: secure: vXiG5AgpqxJsXZ0N0CTYDuVrX6RMjBybZKtOx6IbRxCyjgd+DAx6Z9/0XgYQjuof7QFJY3M/U6HxaREQVYbNVHA+C5N5dNALRbKzAC8QNbA= # GO_FAST matrix: fast_finish: true # we don't need the builds, we just need tests build: off