#### I'm opening this issue because: - [ ] npm is crashing. - [ ] npm is producing an incorrect install. - [ ] npm is doing something I don't understand. - [ ] Other (_see below for feature requests_): #### What's going wrong? #### How can the CLI team reproduce the problem? ### supporting information: - `npm -v` prints: - `node -v` prints: - `npm config get registry` prints: - Windows, OS X, or Linux?: - Network issues: - Geographic location where npm was run: - [ ] I use a proxy to connect to the npm registry. - [ ] I use a proxy to connect to the web. - [ ] I use a proxy when downloading Git repos. - [ ] I access the npm registry via a VPN - [ ] I don't use a proxy, but have limited or unreliable internet access. - Container: - [ ] I develop using Vagrant on Windows. - [ ] I develop using Vagrant on OS X or Linux. - [ ] I develop / deploy using Docker. - [ ] I deploy to a PaaS (Triton, Heroku).