// In this benchmark, we connect a client to the server, and write // as many bytes as we can in the specified time (default = 10s) 'use strict'; const common = require('../common.js'); const util = require('util'); // if there are --dur=N and --len=N args, then // run the function with those settings. // if not, then queue up a bunch of child processes. const bench = common.createBenchmark(main, { len: [102400, 1024 * 1024 * 16], type: ['utf', 'asc', 'buf'], dur: [5] }, { flags: [ '--expose-internals', '--no-warnings' ] }); function main({ dur, len, type }) { const { internalBinding } = require('internal/test/binding'); const { TCP, constants: TCPConstants } = process.binding('tcp_wrap'); const { TCPConnectWrap } = process.binding('tcp_wrap'); const { WriteWrap } = internalBinding('stream_wrap'); const PORT = common.PORT; const serverHandle = new TCP(TCPConstants.SERVER); var err = serverHandle.bind('', PORT); if (err) fail(err, 'bind'); err = serverHandle.listen(511); if (err) fail(err, 'listen'); serverHandle.onconnection = function(err, clientHandle) { if (err) fail(err, 'connect'); // the meat of the benchmark is right here: bench.start(); var bytes = 0; setTimeout(function() { // report in Gb/sec bench.end((bytes * 8) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); process.exit(0); }, dur * 1000); clientHandle.onread = function(nread, buffer) { // we're not expecting to ever get an EOF from the client. // just lots of data forever. if (nread < 0) fail(nread, 'read'); // don't slice the buffer. the point of this is to isolate, not // simulate real traffic. bytes += buffer.length; }; clientHandle.readStart(); }; client(type, len); function fail(err, syscall) { throw util._errnoException(err, syscall); } function client(type, len) { var chunk; switch (type) { case 'buf': chunk = Buffer.alloc(len, 'x'); break; case 'utf': chunk = 'ΓΌ'.repeat(len / 2); break; case 'asc': chunk = 'x'.repeat(len); break; default: throw new Error(`invalid type: ${type}`); } const clientHandle = new TCP(TCPConstants.SOCKET); const connectReq = new TCPConnectWrap(); const err = clientHandle.connect(connectReq, '', PORT); if (err) fail(err, 'connect'); clientHandle.readStart(); connectReq.oncomplete = function(err) { if (err) fail(err, 'connect'); while (clientHandle.writeQueueSize === 0) write(); }; function write() { const writeReq = new WriteWrap(); writeReq.oncomplete = afterWrite; var err; switch (type) { case 'buf': err = clientHandle.writeBuffer(writeReq, chunk); break; case 'utf': err = clientHandle.writeUtf8String(writeReq, chunk); break; case 'asc': err = clientHandle.writeAsciiString(writeReq, chunk); break; } if (err) fail(err, 'write'); } function afterWrite(err, handle) { if (err) fail(err, 'write'); while (clientHandle.writeQueueSize === 0) write(); } } }