// throughput benchmark // creates a single hasher, then pushes a bunch of data through it 'use strict'; const common = require('../common.js'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const bench = common.createBenchmark(main, { writes: [500], algo: [ 'sha256', 'md5' ], type: ['asc', 'utf', 'buf'], out: ['hex', 'binary', 'buffer'], len: [2, 1024, 102400, 1024 * 1024], api: ['legacy', 'stream'] }); function main({ api, type, len, out, writes, algo }) { if (api === 'stream' && /^v0\.[0-8]\./.test(process.version)) { console.error('Crypto streams not available until v0.10'); // use the legacy, just so that we can compare them. api = 'legacy'; } var message; var encoding; switch (type) { case 'asc': message = 'a'.repeat(len); encoding = 'ascii'; break; case 'utf': message = 'ΓΌ'.repeat(len / 2); encoding = 'utf8'; break; case 'buf': message = Buffer.alloc(len, 'b'); break; default: throw new Error(`unknown message type: ${type}`); } const fn = api === 'stream' ? streamWrite : legacyWrite; bench.start(); fn(algo, message, encoding, writes, len, out); } function legacyWrite(algo, message, encoding, writes, len, outEnc) { const written = writes * len; const bits = written * 8; const gbits = bits / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); while (writes-- > 0) { const h = crypto.createHash(algo); h.update(message, encoding); var res = h.digest(outEnc); // include buffer creation costs for older versions if (outEnc === 'buffer' && typeof res === 'string') res = Buffer.from(res, 'binary'); } bench.end(gbits); } function streamWrite(algo, message, encoding, writes, len, outEnc) { const written = writes * len; const bits = written * 8; const gbits = bits / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); while (writes-- > 0) { const h = crypto.createHash(algo); if (outEnc !== 'buffer') h.setEncoding(outEnc); h.write(message, encoding); h.end(); h.read(); } bench.end(gbits); }