x-ccache-setup-steps: &ccache-setup-steps - export CCACHE_NOSTATS=1 - export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS="file_macro,include_file_mtime,include_file_ctime,time_macros,file_stat_matches" - export CC='ccache gcc-6' - export CXX='ccache g++-6' os: linux language: cpp # Currently this file can only support one PYTHON_VERSION. # To experiment with Python 3, comment out Python 2.7 and uncomment one of the Python 3 versions. env: global: - PYTHON_VERSION="2.7.15" # - PYTHON_VERSION="3.6.7" # - PYTHON_VERSION="3.7.1" jobs: include: - stage: "Compile" name: "Compile V8" cache: ccache addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - g++-6 install: *ccache-setup-steps script: - pyenv global ${PYTHON_VERSION} - ./configure - make -j2 -C out V=1 v8 - name: "Compile Node.js" cache: ccache addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - g++-6 install: *ccache-setup-steps script: - pyenv global ${PYTHON_VERSION} - ./configure - make -j2 V=1 - cp out/Release/node /home/travis/.ccache - cp out/Release/cctest /home/travis/.ccache - stage: "Tests" name: "Test JS Suites" cache: ccache install: - mkdir -p out/Release - cp /home/travis/.ccache/node out/Release/node script: - pyenv global ${PYTHON_VERSION} - python tools/test.py -j 2 -p dots --report --mode=release --flaky-tests=dontcare default - name: "Test C++ Suites" cache: ccache install: - export CCACHE_NOSTATS=1 - export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS="file_macro,include_file_mtime,include_file_ctime,time_macros,file_stat_matches" - export CC='ccache gcc' - export CXX='ccache g++' - mkdir -p out/Release - cp /home/travis/.ccache/node out/Release/node - ln -fs out/Release/node node - cp /home/travis/.ccache/cctest out/Release/cctest - touch config.gypi script: - pyenv global ${PYTHON_VERSION} - out/Release/cctest - make -j1 V=1 test/addons/.buildstamp test/js-native-api/.buildstamp test/node-api/.buildstamp - python tools/test.py -j 2 -p dots --report --mode=release --flaky-tests=dontcare addons js-native-api node-api - name: "Linter" language: node_js node_js: "node" install: - pyenv global ${PYTHON_VERSION} - make lint-py-build || true script: - NODE=$(which node) make lint lint-py - name: "First commit message adheres to guidelines at https://goo.gl/p2fr5Q" if: type = pull_request language: node_js node_js: "node" script: - if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ]; then bash -x tools/lint-pr-commit-message.sh ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}; fi