path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-13src: render N-API weak callbacks as cleanup hooksGabriel Schulhof
2019-10-11src: fix largepages regressionGabriel Schulhof
2019-10-11fs: buffer dir entries in opendir()Anna Henningsen
2019-10-10esm: unflag --experimental-exportsGuy Bedford
2019-10-10src: remove unused using declarations in worker.ccDaniel Bevenius
2019-10-10src: bring 425 status code name into accordance with RFC 8470Sergei Osipov
2019-10-08worker: do not use two-arg NewIsolateShelley Vohr
2019-10-08Revert "esm: remove experimental status from JSON modules"Guy Bedford
2019-10-08fs: introduce `opendir()` and `fs.Dir`Jeremiah Senkpiel
2019-10-07src: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 79Myles Borins
2019-10-06module: use v8 synthetic modulesGuy Bedford
2019-10-05dgram: use `uv_udp_try_send()`Anna Henningsen
2019-10-05process: add source-map support to stack tracesbcoe
2019-10-05http2: set default maxConcurrentStreamsZYSzys
2019-10-04inspector: update faviconUrldokugo
2019-10-03src: fix ESM path resolution on WindowsThomas
2019-10-03crypto: remove arbitrary UTF16 restrictionAnna Henningsen
2019-10-02vm: refactor SourceTextModuleGus Caplan
2019-09-30src: rename --loader to --experimental-loaderAlex Aubuchon
2019-09-27tls: add option for private keys for OpenSSL enginesAnton Gerasimov
2019-09-25src: fix asan build for gcc/clangDavid Carlier
2019-09-26src: fix compiler warning in inspector_profiler.ccDaniel Bevenius
2019-09-24src: add buildflag to force context-aware addonsShelley Vohr
2019-09-24worker: keep allocators for transferred SAB instances alive longerAnna Henningsen
2019-09-24src: try showing stack traces when process._fatalException is not setJoyee Cheung
2019-09-24src: disconnect inspector before exiting out of fatal exceptionJoyee Cheung
2019-09-23tls: add option to override signature algorithmsAnton Gerasimov
2019-09-22src: perform check before running in runMicrotasks()Jeremy Apthorp
2019-09-22src: discard remaining foreground tasks on platform shutdownAnna Henningsen
2019-09-22crypto: use BoringSSL-compatible flag getterShelley Vohr
2019-09-22process: initial SourceMap support via NODE_V8_COVERAGEBenjamin Coe
2019-09-21src: fix closing weak `HandleWrap`s on GCAnna Henningsen
2019-09-20http: remove legacy parserAnna Henningsen
2019-09-19module: error for CJS .js load within type: moduleGuy Bedford
2019-09-18src: use libuv to get env varsAnna Henningsen
2019-09-18src: re-delete Atomics.wakeGus Caplan
2019-09-17module: reintroduce package exports dot mainGuy Bedford
2019-09-16inspector: new API - Session.connectToMainThreadEugene Ostroukhov
2019-09-16src: print exceptions from PromiseRejectCallbackAnna Henningsen
2019-09-13util: add encodeInto to TextEncoderAnna Henningsen
2019-09-13crypto: fix OpenSSL return code handlingTobias Nießen
2019-09-13crypto: add oaepLabel optionTobias Nießen
2019-09-12src: modified RealEnvStore methods to use libuv functionsDevendra Satram
2019-09-11src,lib: expose memory file mapping flagJoão Reis
2019-09-09worker: prevent event loop starvation through MessagePortsAnna Henningsen
2019-09-08n-api: delete callback bundle via referenceGabriel Schulhof
2019-09-07src: make ELDHistogram a HandleWrapAnna Henningsen
2019-09-07perf_hooks: remove GC callbacks on zero observers countKirill Fomichev
2019-09-06http2: send out pending data earlierAnna Henningsen
2019-09-05src: check microtasks before running themShelley Vohr