path: root/test
diff options
authorLance Ball <>2019-02-01 12:49:16 -0500
committerLance Ball <>2019-02-11 14:30:26 -0500
commit0aa74443d8bdea3c3840dbc3d4bd700b05ca7a4c (patch)
tree962e4c785ba03f01bf6ba5ad444f14e416c485ec /test
parent902c71a9d09bce6b1da4258d1775375f6539bbec (diff)
repl: add repl.setupHistory for programmatic repl
Adds a `repl.setupHistory()` instance method so that programmatic REPLs can also write history to a file. This change also refactors all of the history file management to `lib/internal/repl/history.js`, cleaning up and simplifying `lib/internal/repl.js`. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Daniel Bevenius <>
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/parallel/test-repl-programmatic-history.js b/test/parallel/test-repl-programmatic-history.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7eda401a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parallel/test-repl-programmatic-history.js
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const stream = require('stream');
+const REPL = require('repl');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const os = require('os');
+const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir');
+// Mock os.homedir()
+os.homedir = function() {
+ return tmpdir.path;
+// Create an input stream specialized for testing an array of actions
+class ActionStream extends stream.Stream {
+ run(data) {
+ const _iter = data[Symbol.iterator]();
+ const doAction = () => {
+ const next =;
+ if (next.done) {
+ // Close the repl. Note that it must have a clean prompt to do so.
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ this.emit('keypress', '', { ctrl: true, name: 'd' });
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ const action = next.value;
+ if (typeof action === 'object') {
+ this.emit('keypress', '', action);
+ } else {
+ this.emit('data', `${action}\n`);
+ }
+ setImmediate(doAction);
+ };
+ setImmediate(doAction);
+ }
+ resume() {}
+ pause() {}
+ActionStream.prototype.readable = true;
+// Mock keys
+const UP = { name: 'up' };
+const ENTER = { name: 'enter' };
+const CLEAR = { ctrl: true, name: 'u' };
+// File paths
+const historyFixturePath = fixtures.path('.node_repl_history');
+const historyPath = path.join(tmpdir.path, '.fixture_copy_repl_history');
+const historyPathFail = fixtures.path('nonexistent_folder', 'filename');
+const defaultHistoryPath = path.join(tmpdir.path, '.node_repl_history');
+const emptyHiddenHistoryPath = fixtures.path('.empty-hidden-repl-history-file');
+const devNullHistoryPath = path.join(tmpdir.path,
+ '.dev-null-repl-history-file');
+// Common message bits
+const prompt = '> ';
+const replDisabled = '\nPersistent history support disabled. Set the ' +
+ 'NODE_REPL_HISTORY environment\nvariable to a valid, ' +
+ 'user-writable path to enable.\n';
+const homedirErr = '\nError: Could not get the home directory.\n' +
+ 'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n';
+const replFailedRead = '\nError: Could not open history file.\n' +
+ 'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n';
+const tests = [
+ {
+ env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: '' },
+ test: [UP],
+ expected: [prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
+ },
+ {
+ env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: ' ' },
+ test: [UP],
+ expected: [prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
+ },
+ {
+ env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPath },
+ test: [UP, CLEAR],
+ expected: [prompt, `${prompt}'you look fabulous today'`, prompt]
+ },
+ {
+ env: {},
+ test: [UP, '\'42\'', ENTER],
+ expected: [prompt, '\'', '4', '2', '\'', '\'42\'\n', prompt, prompt],
+ clean: false
+ },
+ { // Requires the above test case
+ env: {},
+ test: [UP, UP, ENTER],
+ expected: [prompt, `${prompt}'42'`, '\'42\'\n', prompt]
+ },
+ {
+ env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPath,
+ test: [UP, UP, CLEAR],
+ expected: [prompt, `${prompt}'you look fabulous today'`, prompt]
+ },
+ {
+ env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPathFail,
+ test: [UP],
+ expected: [prompt, replFailedRead, prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
+ },
+ {
+ before: function before() {
+ if (common.isWindows) {
+ const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+ execSync(`ATTRIB +H "${emptyHiddenHistoryPath}"`, (err) => {
+ assert.ifError(err);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: emptyHiddenHistoryPath },
+ test: [UP],
+ expected: [prompt]
+ },
+ {
+ before: function before() {
+ if (!common.isWindows)
+ fs.symlinkSync('/dev/null', devNullHistoryPath);
+ },
+ env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: devNullHistoryPath },
+ test: [UP],
+ expected: [prompt]
+ },
+ { // Make sure this is always the last test, since we change os.homedir()
+ before: function before() {
+ // Mock os.homedir() failure
+ os.homedir = function() {
+ throw new Error('os.homedir() failure');
+ };
+ },
+ env: {},
+ test: [UP],
+ expected: [prompt, homedirErr, prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
+ }
+const numtests = tests.length;
+function cleanupTmpFile() {
+ try {
+ // Write over the file, clearing any history
+ fs.writeFileSync(defaultHistoryPath, '');
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (err.code === 'ENOENT') return true;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Copy our fixture to the tmp directory
+ .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(historyPath)).on('unpipe', () => runTest());
+const runTestWrap = common.mustCall(runTest, numtests);
+function runTest(assertCleaned) {
+ const opts = tests.shift();
+ if (!opts) return; // All done
+ if (assertCleaned) {
+ try {
+ assert.strictEqual(fs.readFileSync(defaultHistoryPath, 'utf8'), '');
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
+ console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const test = opts.test;
+ const expected = opts.expected;
+ const clean = opts.clean;
+ const before = opts.before;
+ const historySize = opts.env.NODE_REPL_HISTORY_SIZE;
+ const historyFile = opts.env.NODE_REPL_HISTORY;
+ if (before) before();
+ const repl = REPL.start({
+ input: new ActionStream(),
+ output: new stream.Writable({
+ write(chunk, _, next) {
+ const output = chunk.toString();
+ // Ignore escapes and blank lines
+ if (output.charCodeAt(0) === 27 || /^[\r\n]+$/.test(output))
+ return next();
+ try {
+ assert.strictEqual(output, expected.shift());
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
+ throw err;
+ }
+ next();
+ }
+ }),
+ prompt: prompt,
+ useColors: false,
+ terminal: true,
+ historySize: historySize
+ });
+ repl.setupHistory(historyFile, function(err, repl) {
+ if (err) {
+ console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
+ throw err;
+ }
+ repl.once('close', () => {
+ if (repl._flushing) {
+ repl.once('flushHistory', onClose);
+ return;
+ }
+ onClose();
+ });
+ function onClose() {
+ const cleaned = clean === false ? false : cleanupTmpFile();
+ try {
+ // Ensure everything that we expected was output
+ assert.strictEqual(expected.length, 0);
+ setImmediate(runTestWrap, cleaned);
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }
+ });