%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File : thesis.bib %% Date : Saturday Sep 15 15:54:56 2018 %% Author : Dominik Meister, Dennis Neufeld %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Description : Sample bibliography file %% WARNING : To be used with biblatex and biber, this file should be %% UTF-8 encoded %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Usage : %% 1) add the lines in the preamble of your document: %% \usepackage[backend=biber, style=ieee]{biblatex} %% \addbibresource{template.bib} %% %% 2) Compile the document at least once (preferably with lualatex), e.g. %% lualatex template.tex %% %% 3) Run the command "biber" on your document, e.g. %% biber template %% %% 4) Compile the document twice with lualatex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @online{global_data_index, title = {Global Data Protection Index 2018 – Key Findings}, organization = {Dell EMC.}, year = 2018, urldate = {2020-03-07}, url = {https://www.delltechnologies.com/content/dam/uwaem/production-design-assets/en/gdpi/assets/infographics/dell-gdpi-vb-key-findings-deck.pdf)}, } @online{gnu_taler, title = {GNU Taler: Features}, organization = {Taler Systems SA}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-02}, url = {https://taler.net/en/features.html}, } @online{postgresql, title = {PostgreSQL: The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database}, organization = {The PostgreSQL Global Development Group}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-02}, url = {https://www.postgresql.org/}, } @online{libmicrohttpd, title = {GNU Libmicrohttpd}, organization = {GNU project}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-02}, url = {https://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/?}, } @online{gnu_project, title = {What is GNU?}, organization = {GNU project}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-02}, url = {https://www.gnu.org/}, } @online{libcurl, title = {libcurl - the multiprotocol file transfer library }, organization = {Curl}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-02}, url = {https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/}, } @online{ccc_merkel, title = {CCC-Tüftler hackt Merkels Iris und von der Leyens Fingerabdruck}, author = {Stefan Krempl}, organization = {heise online}, year = 2014, urldate = {2020-03-07}, url = {https://www.heise.de/security/meldung/31C3-CCC-Tueftler-hackt-Merkels-Iris-und-von-der-Leyens-Fingerabdruck-2506929.html}, } @online{millions_lost, title = {Bitcoin: Millions of dollars of cryptocurrency 'lost' after man dies with only password}, author = {Anthony Cuthbertson}, organization = {INDEPENDENT}, year = 2019, urldate = {2020-03-07}, url = {https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/bitcoin-exchange-quadrigacx-password-cryptocurrency-scam-a8763676.html}, } @online{forgot_my_pin, title = {I Forgot My PIN’: An Epic Tale of Losing \$30,000 in Bitcoin}, author = {Mark Frauenfelder}, organization = {WIRED}, year = 2017, urldate = {2020-03-07}, url = {https://www.wired.com/story/i-forgot-my-pin-an-epic-tale-of-losing-dollar30000-in-bitcoin/}, } @inproceedings{pedersen_sharing_0, title={Non-interactive and information-theoretic secure verifiable secret sharing}, author={Pedersen, Torben Pryds}, booktitle={Annual international cryptology conference}, pages={129--140}, year=1991, organization={Springer}, chapter={0}, } @inproceedings{pedersen_sharing_5.2, title={Non-interactive and information-theoretic secure verifiable secret sharing}, author={Pedersen, Torben Pryds}, booktitle={Annual international cryptology conference}, pages={129--140}, year=1991, organization={Springer}, chapter={5.2}, } @article{shamir_sharing, title={How to share a secret}, author={Shamir, Adi}, journal={Communications of the ACM}, volume={22}, number={11}, pages={612--613}, year=1979, publisher={ACm New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{feldman_sharing, title={A practical scheme for non-interactive verifiable secret sharing}, author={Feldman, Paul}, booktitle={28th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1987)}, pages={427--438}, year=1987, organization={IEEE}, } @article{authentication_methods_review, title = {A Review on Authentication Methods}, author = {Syed Idrus, Syed Zulkarnain and Cherrier, Estelle and Rosenberger, Christophe and Schwartzmann, Jean-Jacques}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00912435}, journal = {Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences}, volume = {7}, number = {5}, pages = {95-107}, year = 2013, } @book{rieck_detection, title={Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 10th International Conference, DIMVA 2013, Berlin, Germany, July 18-19, 2013. Proceedings}, author={Rieck, Konrad and Stewin, Patrick and Seifert, Jean-Pierre}, volume={7967}, year=2013, publisher={Springer} } @article{biometric_auth, title={Privacy-preserving biometric authentication: challenges and directions}, author={Pagnin, Elena and Mitrokotsa, Aikaterini}, journal={Security and Communication Networks}, volume={2017}, year=2017, publisher={Hindawi} } @article{multifactor_authentication, title={Multi-factor authentication: A survey}, author={Ometov, Aleksandr and Bezzateev, Sergey and Makitalo, Niko and Andreev, Sergey and Mikkonen, Tommi and Koucheryavy, Yevgeni}, journal={Cryptography}, volume={2}, number={1}, pages={1}, year=2018, publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute} } @book{midata, title={Applied Approach to Privacy and Security for the Internet of Things}, author={Parag Chatterjee, Emmanuel Benoist and Asoke Nath}, year={in print}, publisher={IGI Global} } @Inbook{Preneel1999, author={Preneel, Bart}, editor={Damg{\aa}rd, Ivan Bjerre}, title={The State of Cryptographic Hash Functions}, bookTitle={Lectures on Data Security: Modern Cryptology in Theory and Practice}, year=1999, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, address={Berlin, Heidelberg}, pages={158}, abstract={This paper describes the state of the art for cryptographic hash functions. Different definitions are compared, and the few theoretical results on hash functions are discussed. A brief overview is presented of the most important constructions, and some open problems are presented.}, isbn={978-3-540-48969-6}, doi={10.1007/3-540-48969-X_8}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-48969-X_8} } @article{SG2012, title={Cryptographic hash functions: a review}, author={Sobti, Rajeev and Geetha, G}, journal={International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI)}, volume={9}, number={2}, pages={462}, year=2012, publisher={International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI)} } @article{BCK1996, title={Message authentication using hash functions: The HMAC construction}, author={Bellare, Mihir and Canetti, Ran and Krawczyk, Hugo}, journal={RSA Laboratories’ CryptoBytes}, volume={2}, number={1}, pages={12--15}, year=1996 } @inproceedings{krawczyk2010, title={Cryptographic extraction and key derivation: The HKDF scheme}, author={Krawczyk, Hugo}, booktitle={Annual Cryptology Conference}, pages={631--648}, year={2010}, organization={Springer} } @inproceedings{BDK2016, title={Argon2: new generation of memory-hard functions for password hashing and other applications}, author={Biryukov, Alex and Dinu, Daniel and Khovratovich, Dmitry}, booktitle={2016 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS\&P)}, pages={292--302}, year={2016}, organization={IEEE} } @book{trimberger2012, title={Field-programmable gate array technology}, author={Trimberger, Stephen M}, year={2012}, publisher={Springer Science \& Business Media} } @misc{madurawe2006, title={Alterable application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)}, author={Madurawe, Raminda Udaya}, year={2006}, month=6, publisher={Google Patents}, note={US Patent 7,064,579} } @article{stamp2003, title={Once upon a time-memory tradeoff}, author={Stamp, Mark}, journal={San Jose State University, Department of Computer Science}, year={2003} } @article{vadhan2012, title={Pseudorandomness}, author={Vadhan, Salil P and others}, journal={Foundations and Trends{\textregistered} in Theoretical Computer Science}, volume={7}, number={1--3}, pages={1--336}, year={2012}, publisher={Now Publishers, Inc.} } @inproceedings{nielsen2002, title={A threshold pseudorandom function construction and its applications}, author={Nielsen, Jesper Buus}, booktitle={Annual International Cryptology Conference}, pages={401--416}, year={2002}, organization={Springer} } @article{GGM1986, author = {Goldreich, Oded and Goldwasser, Shafi and Micali, Silvio}, title = {How to Construct Random Functions}, year = {1986}, issue_date = {Oct. 1986}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {33}, number = {4}, issn = {0004-5411}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/6490.6503}, doi = {10.1145/6490.6503}, journal = {J. ACM}, month = aug, pages = {792–807}, numpages = {16} } @article{RK2011, title={Designing an algorithm with high Avalanche Effect}, author={Ramanujam, Sriram and Karuppiah, Marimuthu}, journal={IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security}, volume={11}, number={1}, pages={106--111}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{GJW2011, title={SHA-512/256}, author={Gueron, Shay and Johnson, Simon and Walker, Jesse}, booktitle={2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations}, pages={354--358}, year={2011}, organization={IEEE} } @article{just2004, title={Designing and evaluating challenge-question systems}, author={Just, Mike}, journal={IEEE Security \& Privacy}, volume={2}, number={5}, pages={32--39}, year={2004}, publisher={IEEE} } @inproceedings{MBSS2013, title={SMS-based one-time passwords: attacks and defense}, author={Mulliner, Collin and Borgaonkar, Ravishankar and Stewin, Patrick and Seifert, Jean-Pierre}, booktitle={International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment}, pages={150--159}, year={2013}, organization={Springer} } @article{pohlmann2017, title={Wenn der Softbot menschliche Identit{\"a}t best{\"a}tigt. Videoident-Verfahren II: Die Technik}, author={Pohlmann, Norbert and Frintrop, Jan-Hendrik and Widdermann, Rick and Ziegler, Tim}, year={2017} } @book{garfinkel1995, title={PGP: pretty good privacy}, author={Garfinkel, Simson}, year={1995}, publisher={" O'Reilly Media, Inc."} } @inproceedings{LLLW*2017, title={An efficient method to enhance Bitcoin wallet security}, author={Liu, Yi and Li, Ruilin and Liu, Xingtong and Wang, Jian and Zhang, Lei and Tang, Chaojing and Kang, Hongyan}, booktitle={2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID)}, pages={26--29}, year={2017}, organization={IEEE} } @online{emailauthowasp, title = {Forgot Password Cheat Sheet}, organization = {OWASP Foundation}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-05}, url = {https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Forgot_Password_Cheat_Sheet.html}, } @online{pepdoc, title = {Welcome to p≡p Documentation!}, organization = {pEp Security SA}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-06}, url = {https://www.pep.security/docs/}, } @online{coinbase, title = {Backup your encrypted private keys on Google Drive and iCloud with Coinbase Wallet}, organization = {Coinbase}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-06}, url = {https://blog.coinbase.com/backup-your-private-keys-on-google-drive-and-icloud-with-coinbase-wallet-3c3f3fdc86dc}, } @online{bitcoin-keys, title = {BIP 32 - Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets}, organization = {Bitcoin}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-06}, url = {https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032/derivation.png}, } @online{bitlocker, title = {BitLocker}, organization = {Microsoft}, year = 2020, urldate = {2020-06-06}, url = {https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/information-protection/bitlocker/bitlocker-overview}, } @article{bajikar2002, title={Trusted platform module (tpm) based security on notebook pcs-white paper}, author={Bajikar, Sundeep}, journal={Mobile Platforms Group Intel Corporation}, volume={1}, pages={20}, year={2002} } @article{marlinspike2011, title={SSL and the future of authenticity}, author={Marlinspike, Moxie}, journal={Black Hat USA}, volume={6}, year={2011} } @article{jerome2015, title={AHV-Nummer als einheitlicher, organisations{\"u}bergreifender Personenidentifikator}, author={J{\'e}r{\^o}me, Brugger and Angelina, BFH Dungga and Esther, BFH Hefti and ZH, Kt}, year={2015}, organization={BFH} } @inproceedings{caronni2000, title={Walking the web of trust}, author={Caronni, Germano}, booktitle={Proceedings IEEE 9th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 2000)}, pages={153--158}, year={2000}, organization={IEEE} } @article{heron2009, title={Advanced encryption standard (AES)}, author={Heron, Simon}, journal={Network Security}, volume={2009}, number={12}, pages={8--12}, year={2009}, publisher={Elsevier} } @inproceedings{josefsson2017, title={Edwards-curve digital signature algorithm (EdDSA)}, author={Josefsson, Simon and Liusvaara, Ilari}, booktitle={Internet Research Task Force, Crypto Forum Research Group, RFC}, volume={8032}, year={2017} }