anastasis-config(1) ################### .. only:: html Name ==== **anastasis-config** - manipulate Anastasis configuration files Synopsis ======== **anastasis-config** [**-b** *backend* | **––supported-backend=**\ \ *backend*] [**-c** *filename* | **––config=**\ \ *filename*] [**-f** | **––filename**] [**-F** | **––full**] [**-h** | **––help**] [**-L** *loglevel* | **––loglevel=**\ \ *loglevel*] [**-l** *filename* | **––logfile=**\ ‌\ *filename*] [**-o** *option* | **––option=**\ \ *option*] [**-r** | **––rewrite**] [**-S** | **––list-sections**] [**-s** *section* | **––section=**\ \ *section*] [**-V** *value* | **––value=**\ \ *value*] [**-v** | **––version**] Description =========== **anastasis-config** can be used to read or modify Anastasis configuration files. **-b** *BACKEND* \| **––supported-backend=**\ \ *BACKEND* Tests whether the specified *BACKEND* is supported by the current installation. The backend must match the name of a plugin, i.e. "namestore_postgres" for the Postgres database backend of the "NAMESTORE" service. If *BACKEND* is supported, anastasis-config will return a status code of 0 (success), otherwise 77 (unsupported). When this option is specified, no other options may be specified. Specifying this option together with other options will cause anastasis-config to return a status code of 1 (error). **-c** *FILENAME* \| **––config=**\ \ *FILENAME* Use the configuration file *FILENAME*. **-f** \| **––filename** Try to perform expansions as if the option values represent filenames (will also be applied even if the option is not really a filename). **-F** \| **––full** Write the full configuration file, not just the differences to the defaults. **-h** \| **––help** Print short help on options. **-L** *LOGLEVEL* \| **––loglevel=**\ \ *LOGLEVEL* Use *LOGLEVEL* for logging. Valid values are ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``, and ``ERROR``. **-l** *FILENAME* \| **––logfile=**\ ‌\ *FILENAME* Send logging output to *FILENAME*. **-o** *OPTION* \| **––option=**\ \ *OPTION* Which configuration option should be accessed or edited. Required to set a value. If not given, all values of a given section will be printed in the format "OPTION = VALUE". **-r** \| **––rewrite** Write the configuration file even if nothing changed. Will remove all comments! **-S** \| **––list-sections** List available configuration sections for use with ``--section``. **-s** *SECTION* \| **––section=**\ \ *SECTION* Which configuration section should be accessed or edited. Required option. **-V** *VALUE* \| **––value=**\ \ *VALUE* Configuration value to store in the given section under the given option. Must only be given together with ``-s`` and ``-o`` options. Note: Changing the configuration file with ``-V`` will remove comments and may reorder sections and remove ``@INLINE@`` directives. **-v** \| **––version** Print Anastasis version number. See Also ======== anastasis.conf(5) Bugs ==== Report bugs by using or by sending electronic mail to .