path: root/src/cli
diff options
authorChristian Grothoff <>2022-06-26 16:01:29 +0200
committerChristian Grothoff <>2022-06-26 16:01:29 +0200
commitbeb45b17933cbc371f5bc8bd08589b4f22bf316e (patch)
tree7f322a1d7d5f72720ccc26e36966a651ab894e42 /src/cli
parenta677f67ac9b5bf33e84d5488f99f7494af3023d3 (diff)
-add test case for #7227
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cli')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cli/ b/src/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dba9ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Runs tests with a 'hanging' Anastasis provider.
+set -eu
+set -x
+# Exit, with status code "skip" (no 'real' failure)
+function exit_skip() {
+ echo " SKIP: $1"
+ exit 77
+# Exit, with error message (hard failure)
+function exit_fail() {
+ echo " FAIL: $1"
+ exit 1
+# Cleanup to run whenever we exit
+function cleanup()
+ for n in `jobs -p`
+ do
+ kill $n 2> /dev/null || true
+ done
+ wait
+function sync_providers() {
+ infile=$1
+ outfile=$2
+ echo "Synchronizing providers"
+ # Sync with providers (up to 3 providers aren't synced here)
+ for x in 1 2 3; do
+ echo "Synchronizing providers (round $x)"
+ #anastasis-reducer sync_providers < $infile > $outfile 2> /dev/null || true
+ anastasis-reducer sync_providers < $infile > $outfile || true
+ CODE=$(jq -r -e ".code // 0" < $outfile)
+ # FIXME: Temporary workaround for C reducer. See #7227.
+ if test "$CODE" = "8420"; then
+ # restore previous non-error state
+ cat $infile > $outfile
+ break
+ fi
+ if test "$CODE" = "8400"; then
+ # restore previous non-error state
+ cat $infile > $outfile
+ break
+ fi
+ if test "$CODE" != "0"; then
+ exit_fail "Expected no error or 8420/8400, got $CODE"
+ fi
+ cat $outfile > $infile
+ done
+ echo "Providers synced."
+# Configuration file will be edited, so we create one
+# from the template.
+CONF=`mktemp test_reducerXXXXXX.conf`
+cp test_reducer.conf $CONF
+TMP_DIR=`mktemp -d keys-tmp-XXXXXX`
+B1FILE=`mktemp test_reducer_stateB1XXXXXX`
+B2FILE=`mktemp test_reducer_stateB2XXXXXX`
+R1FILE=`mktemp test_reducer_stateR1XXXXXX`
+R2FILE=`mktemp test_reducer_stateR2XXXXXX`
+export B1FILE
+export B2FILE
+export R1FILE
+export R2FILE
+# Install cleanup handler (except for kill -9)
+trap cleanup EXIT
+# Check we can actually run
+echo -n "Testing for jq"
+jq -h > /dev/null || exit_skip "jq required"
+echo " FOUND"
+echo -n "Testing for timeout"
+timeout --help > /dev/null || exit_skip "timeout required"
+echo " FOUND"
+echo -n "Testing for anastasis-reducer ..."
+anastasis-reducer -h > /dev/null || exit_skip "anastasis-reducer required"
+echo " FOUND"
+echo -n "Testing for anastasis-httpd"
+anastasis-httpd -h >/dev/null </dev/null || exit_skip " MISSING"
+echo " FOUND"
+echo -n "Initialize anastasis database ..."
+# Name of the Postgres database we will use for the script.
+# Will be dropped, do NOT use anything that might be used
+# elsewhere
+TARGET_DB_1=`anastasis-config -c $CONF_1 -s stasis-postgres -o CONFIG | sed -e "s/^postgres:\/\/\///"`
+TARGET_DB_2=`anastasis-config -c $CONF_2 -s stasis-postgres -o CONFIG | sed -e "s/^postgres:\/\/\///"`
+TARGET_DB_3=`anastasis-config -c $CONF_3 -s stasis-postgres -o CONFIG | sed -e "s/^postgres:\/\/\///"`
+TARGET_DB_4=`anastasis-config -c $CONF_4 -s stasis-postgres -o CONFIG | sed -e "s/^postgres:\/\/\///"`
+dropdb $TARGET_DB_1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
+createdb $TARGET_DB_1 || exit_skip "Could not create database $TARGET_DB_1"
+anastasis-dbinit -c $CONF_1 2> anastasis-dbinit_1.log
+dropdb $TARGET_DB_2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
+createdb $TARGET_DB_2 || exit_skip "Could not create database $TARGET_DB_2"
+anastasis-dbinit -c $CONF_2 2> anastasis-dbinit_2.log
+dropdb $TARGET_DB_3 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
+createdb $TARGET_DB_3 || exit_skip "Could not create database $TARGET_DB_3"
+anastasis-dbinit -c $CONF_3 2> anastasis-dbinit_3.log
+dropdb $TARGET_DB_4 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
+createdb $TARGET_DB_4 || exit_skip "Could not create database $TARGET_DB_4"
+anastasis-dbinit -c $CONF_4 2> anastasis-dbinit_4.log
+echo " OK"
+echo -n "Launching anastasis services ..."
+PREFIX="" #valgrind
+$PREFIX anastasis-httpd -c $CONF_1 2> anastasis-httpd_1.log &
+$PREFIX anastasis-httpd -c $CONF_2 2> anastasis-httpd_2.log &
+$PREFIX anastasis-httpd -c $CONF_3 2> anastasis-httpd_3.log &
+$PREFIX anastasis-httpd -c $CONF_4 2> anastasis-httpd_4.log &
+export PPID_1
+export PPID_2
+export PPID_3
+export PPID_4
+echo -n "Waiting for anastasis services ..."
+# Wait for anastasis services to be available
+for n in `seq 1 50`
+ echo -n "."
+ sleep 0.1
+ OK=0
+ # anastasis_01
+ wget --tries=1 --timeout=1 http://localhost:8086/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ # anastasis_02
+ wget --tries=1 --timeout=1 http://localhost:8087/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ # anastasis_03
+ wget --tries=1 --timeout=1 http://localhost:8088/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ # anastasis_04
+ wget --tries=1 --timeout=1 http://localhost:8089/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ OK=1
+ break
+if [ 1 != $OK ]
+ exit_skip "Failed to launch anastasis services"
+echo "OK"
+echo -n "Running backup logic ...,"
+anastasis-reducer -b > $B1FILE
+echo -n "."
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"continent": "Demoworld"}' \
+ select_continent < $B1FILE > $B2FILE
+echo -n "."
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"country_code": "xx"}' \
+ select_country < $B2FILE > $B1FILE
+echo -n "."
+kill -SIGSTOP $PPID_4
+START=`date '+%s'`
+timeout 10 anastasis-reducer -L DEBUG -a \
+ '{"identity_attributes": {
+ "full_name": "Max Musterman",
+ "sq_number": "4",
+ "birthdate": "2000-01-01"}}' \
+ enter_user_attributes < $B1FILE > $B2FILE || true
+END=`date '+%s'`
+DELTA=`expr $END - $START`
+kill -SIGCONT $PPID_4
+if test $DELTA -ge 5
+ bash
+ exit_fail "Reducer hangs on suspended provider in 'enter_user_attributes'"
+cat $B2FILE > $B1FILE
+echo -n ","
+sync_providers $B1FILE $B2FILE
+echo -n ","
+# "91GPWWR" encodes "Hans"
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"authentication_method": {
+ "type": "question",
+ "instructions": "What is your name?",
+ "challenge": "91GPWWR"
+ } }' \
+ add_authentication < $B2FILE > $B1FILE
+echo -n "."
+# "64S36" encodes "123"
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"authentication_method": {
+ "type": "question",
+ "instructions": "How old are you?",
+ "challenge": "64S36"
+ } }' \
+ add_authentication < $B1FILE > $B2FILE
+echo -n "."
+# "9NGQ4WR" encodes "Mars"
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"authentication_method": {
+ "type": "question",
+ "instructions": "Where do you live?",
+ "challenge": "9NGQ4WR"
+ } }' \
+ add_authentication < $B2FILE > $B1FILE
+echo -n "."
+# Finished adding authentication methods
+anastasis-reducer \
+ next < $B1FILE > $B2FILE
+echo -n ","
+# Finished policy review
+anastasis-reducer \
+ next < $B2FILE > $B1FILE
+echo -n "."
+# Note: 'secret' must here be a Crockford base32-encoded value
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"secret": { "value" : "VERYHARDT0GVESSSECRET", "mime" : "text/plain" }}' \
+ enter_secret < $B1FILE > $B2FILE
+anastasis-reducer next $B2FILE $B1FILE
+echo " OK"
+echo -n "Final backup checks ..."
+STATE=`jq -r -e .backup_state < $B1FILE`
+if test "$STATE" != "BACKUP_FINISHED"
+ exit_fail "Expected new state to be 'BACKUP_FINISHED', got '$STATE'"
+jq -r -e .core_secret < $B1FILE > /dev/null && exit_fail "'core_secret' was not cleared upon success"
+echo " OK"
+echo -n "Running recovery basic logic ..."
+anastasis-reducer -r > $R1FILE
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"continent": "Demoworld"}' \
+ select_continent < $R1FILE > $R2FILE
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ '{"country_code": "xx" }' \
+ select_country < $R2FILE > $R1FILE
+anastasis-reducer -a '{"identity_attributes": { "full_name": "Max Musterman", "sq_number": "4", "birthdate": "2000-01-01" }}' enter_user_attributes < $R1FILE > $R2FILE
+STATE=`jq -r -e .recovery_state < $R2FILE`
+ exit_fail "Expected new state to be 'SECRET_SELECTING', got '$STATE'"
+echo " OK"
+echo -n "Adding provider (to ensure it is loaded)"
+anastasis-reducer -a '{"provider_url" : "http://localhost:8086/" }' add_provider < $R2FILE > $R1FILE
+echo " OK"
+echo -n "Selecting secret to recover"
+anastasis-reducer -a '{"attribute_mask": 0, "providers" : [ { "version": 1, "url" : "http://localhost:8086/" } ] }' select_version < $R1FILE > $R2FILE
+STATE=`jq -r -e .recovery_state < $R2FILE`
+ exit_fail "Expected new state to be 'CHALLENGE_SELECTING', got '$STATE'"
+echo " OK"
+cat $R2FILE > $R1FILE
+sync_providers $R1FILE $R2FILE
+echo -n "Running challenge logic ..."
+cat $R2FILE | jq .
+UUID0=`jq -r -e .recovery_information.challenges[0].uuid < $R2FILE`
+UUID1=`jq -r -e .recovery_information.challenges[1].uuid < $R2FILE`
+UUID2=`jq -r -e .recovery_information.challenges[2].uuid < $R2FILE`
+UUID0Q=`jq -r -e .recovery_information.challenges[0].instructions < $R2FILE`
+UUID1Q=`jq -r -e .recovery_information.challenges[1].instructions < $R2FILE`
+UUID2Q=`jq -r -e .recovery_information.challenges[2].instructions < $R2FILE`
+if test "$UUID2Q" = 'How old are you?'
+elif test "$UUID1Q" = 'How old are you?'
+if test "$UUID2Q" = 'What is your name?'
+elif test "$UUID1Q" = 'What is your name?'
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ "$(jq -n '
+ {
+ uuid: $UUID
+ }' \
+ --arg UUID "$NAME_UUID"
+ )" \
+ select_challenge < $R2FILE > $R1FILE
+anastasis-reducer -a '{"answer": "Hans"}' \
+ solve_challenge < $R1FILE > $R2FILE
+anastasis-reducer -a \
+ "$(jq -n '
+ {
+ uuid: $UUID
+ }' \
+ --arg UUID "$AGE_UUID"
+ )" \
+ select_challenge < $R2FILE > $R1FILE
+anastasis-reducer -a '{"answer": "123"}' \
+ solve_challenge < $R1FILE > $R2FILE
+echo " OK"
+echo -n "Checking recovered secret ..."
+# finally: check here that we recovered the secret...
+STATE=`jq -r -e .recovery_state < $R2FILE`
+ jq -e . $R2FILE
+ exit_fail "Expected new state to be 'RECOVERY_FINISHED', got '$STATE'"
+SECRET=`jq -r -e .core_secret.value < $R2FILE`
+ jq -e . $R2FILE
+ exit_fail "Expected recovered secret to be 'VERYHARDT0GVESSSECRET', got '$SECRET'"
+MIME=`jq -r -e .core_secret.mime < $R2FILE`
+if test "$MIME" != "text/plain"
+ jq -e . $R2FILE
+ exit_fail "Expected recovered mime to be 'text/plain', got '$MIME'"
+echo " OK"
+exit 0