siteconf: baseurl: newsloc: /news/ newsdir: news rsstitle: rssdescr: "News posts published by Anastasis about changes related to Anastasis" rssloc: rsslink: rsslang: langs_full: en: English fr: Français it: Italiano es: Español de: Deutsch ru: Ру́сский язы́к pt: Português meetingnotes: newsposts: - page: news/2020-07.html date: 2020-07-22 title: Bachelorthesis Anastasis finished - page: news/2020-06.html date: 2020-06-01 title: New Anastasis website released - page: news/2020-12.html date: 2020-12-01 title: Anastasis wins the ISSS excellence award videoslist: paperslist: