False dialog False vertical 2 False end gtk-cancel True False False True True True True 0 gtk-ok True False False True True False True True True True 1 False False 0 True False vertical explainer_label True False For TOTP authentication, you need to set a name for the TOTP secret. Then, you must scan the generated QR code with your TOTP App to import the TOTP secret it into your TOTP App. True False True 20 0 True False 50 vertical True False start 25 25 TOTP Name False False 5 0 True True True 25 25 True True 36 Anastasis gtk-info name True True 5 1 qr_image True False center 25 25 25 25 gtk-missing-image 6 False False 5 2 False False 5 1 True False vertical True False start Confirm that your TOTP App works by entering the current code here: False True 5 0 True True Enter the 8-digit TOTP code. Valid for 30s. 9 True 9 gtk-dialog-question 00000000 number False True 5 1 False True 2 False True 5 1 anastasis_gtk_b_totp_dialog_btn_cancel anastasis_gtk_b_totp_dialog_btn_ok True False Configure TOTP anastasis_gtk_b_totp_dialog_btn_cancel anastasis_gtk_b_totp_dialog_btn_ok