============= ANASTASIS-GTK ============= This package includes GTK interfaces to GNU Anastasis. Anastasis is a GNU package enabling distributed key backup and recovery. The code is released under the GNU General Public License (v3 or later). See COPYING for details. Dependencies ============ libmagic libjansson : MIT License libgcrypt : LGPL postgresql : PostgreSQL License libmicrohttpd: LGPLv3+ libgnunet* : GPLv3+, libgnunetgtk : GPLv3+, libtaler* : GPLv3+ libanastasis*: GPLv3+ libgtk3 : LGPLv2+ libgladeui : GPLv2+ Installation ============ For generic installation instructions, see INSTALL. In order to compile or run this code, you need to first install the main GNUnet, gnunet-gtk, GNU Taler and GNU Anastasis codebases. Then you may need to tell configure where the GNUnet installation is located. The following command will install the GTK interfaces in the $GNUNET_PREFIX/.. directory. $ export GNUNET_PREFIX=/usr/local/lib # or other directory of your choice $ ./configure --prefix=$GNUNET_PREFIX/.. --with-gnunet=$GNUNET_PREFIX/.. $ make install anastasis-gtk requires GTK 3.22.0 or higher and libgladeui-2 (i.e. 3.8 or 3.10). glade-3.8 should be used to edit the UI. After installation, you should have the following new programs: * anastasis-gtk --- a GUI to backup and restore secrets with Anastasis Stay tuned ========== * https://anastasis.lu/ * https://bugs.anastasis.lu/