npm-org(1) -- Manage orgs =================================== ## SYNOPSIS npm org set [developer | admin | owner] npm org rm npm org ls [] ## EXAMPLE Add a new developer to an org: ``` $ npm org set my-org @mx-smith ``` Add a new admin to an org (or change a developer to an admin): ``` $ npm org set my-org @mx-santos admin ``` Remove a user from an org: ``` $ npm org rm my-org mx-santos ``` List all users in an org: ``` $ npm org ls my-org ``` List all users in JSON format: ``` $ npm org ls my-org --json ``` See what role a user has in an org: ``` $ npm org ls my-org @mx-santos ``` ## DESCRIPTION You can use the `npm org` commands to manage and view users of an organization. It supports adding and removing users, changing their roles, listing them, and finding specific ones and their roles. ## SEE ALSO * [Documentation on npm Orgs](