path: root/deps/node/deps/npm/man/man1/npm-adduser.1
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-.TH "NPM\-ADDUSER" "1" "January 2019" "" ""
-\fBnpm-adduser\fR \- Add a registry user account
-.RS 2
-npm adduser [\-\-registry=url] [\-\-scope=@orgname] [\-\-always\-auth] [\-\-auth\-type=legacy]
-aliases: login, add\-user
-Create or verify a user named \fB<username>\fP in the specified registry, and
-save the credentials to the \fB\|\.npmrc\fP file\. If no registry is specified,
-the default registry will be used (see npm help 7 \fBnpm\-config\fP)\.
-The username, password, and email are read in from prompts\.
-To reset your password, go to https://www\.npmjs\.com/forgot
-To change your email address, go to https://www\.npmjs\.com/email\-edit
-You may use this command multiple times with the same user account to
-authorize on a new machine\. When authenticating on a new machine,
-the username, password and email address must all match with
-your existing record\.
-\fBnpm login\fP is an alias to \fBadduser\fP and behaves exactly the same way\.
-.SS registry
-Default: https://
-The base URL of the npm package registry\. If \fBscope\fP is also specified,
-this registry will only be used for packages with that scope\. \fBscope\fP defaults
-to the scope of the project directory you're currently in, if any\. See npm help 7 \fBnpm\-scope\fP\|\.
-.SS scope
-Default: none
-If specified, the user and login credentials given will be associated
-with the specified scope\. See npm help 7 \fBnpm\-scope\fP\|\. You can use both at the same time,
-.RS 2
-npm adduser \-\-registry=http://myregistry\.example\.com \-\-scope=@myco
-This will set a registry for the given scope and login or create a user for
-that registry at the same time\.
-.SS always\-auth
-Default: false
-If specified, save configuration indicating that all requests to the given
-registry should include authorization information\. Useful for private
-registries\. Can be used with \fB\-\-registry\fP and / or \fB\-\-scope\fP, e\.g\.
-.RS 2
-npm adduser \-\-registry=http://private\-registry\.example\.com \-\-always\-auth
-This will ensure that all requests to that registry (including for tarballs)
-include an authorization header\. This setting may be necessary for use with
-private registries where metadata and package tarballs are stored on hosts with
-different hostnames\. See \fBalways\-auth\fP in npm help 7 \fBnpm\-config\fP for more details on
-always\-auth\. Registry\-specific configuration of \fBalways\-auth\fP takes precedence
-over any global configuration\.
-.SS auth\-type
-.RS 0
-.IP \(bu 2
-Default: \fB\|'legacy'\fP
-.IP \(bu 2
-Type: \fB\|'legacy'\fP, \fB\|'sso'\fP, \fB\|'saml'\fP, \fB\|'oauth'\fP
-What authentication strategy to use with \fBadduser\fP/\fBlogin\fP\|\. Some npm registries
-(for example, npmE) might support alternative auth strategies besides classic
-username/password entry in legacy npm\.
-.RS 0
-.IP \(bu 2
-npm help 7 registry
-.IP \(bu 2
-npm help config
-.IP \(bu 2
-npm help 7 config
-.IP \(bu 2
-npm help 5 npmrc
-.IP \(bu 2
-npm help owner
-.IP \(bu 2
-npm help whoami