path: root/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/package.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/package.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1311 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/package.cpp b/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/package.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e428a3..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/tools/toolutil/package.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1311 +0,0 @@
-// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
-// License & terms of use:
-* Copyright (C) 1999-2015, International Business Machines
-* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-* file name: package.cpp
-* encoding: UTF-8
-* tab size: 8 (not used)
-* indentation:4
-* created on: 2005aug25
-* created by: Markus W. Scherer
-* Read, modify, and write ICU .dat data package files.
-* This is an integral part of the icupkg tool, moved to the toolutil library
-* because parts of tool implementations tend to be later shared by
-* other tools.
-* Subsumes functionality and implementation code from
-* gencmn, decmn, and icuswap tools.
-#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#include "unicode/putil.h"
-#include "unicode/udata.h"
-#include "cstring.h"
-#include "uarrsort.h"
-#include "ucmndata.h"
-#include "udataswp.h"
-#include "swapimpl.h"
-#include "toolutil.h"
-#include "package.h"
-#include "cmemory.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static const int32_t kItemsChunk = 256; /* How much to increase the filesarray by each time */
-// general definitions ----------------------------------------------------- ***
-/* UDataInfo cf. udata.h */
-static const UDataInfo dataInfo={
- (uint16_t)sizeof(UDataInfo),
- 0,
- (uint8_t)sizeof(UChar),
- 0,
- {0x43, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x44}, /* dataFormat="CmnD" */
- {1, 0, 0, 0}, /* formatVersion */
- {3, 0, 0, 0} /* dataVersion */
-static void U_CALLCONV
-printPackageError(void *context, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
- vfprintf((FILE *)context, fmt, args);
-static uint16_t
-readSwapUInt16(uint16_t x) {
- return (uint16_t)((x<<8)|(x>>8));
-// platform types ---------------------------------------------------------- ***
-static const char *types="lb?e";
-static inline int32_t
-makeTypeEnum(uint8_t charset, UBool isBigEndian) {
- return 2*(int32_t)charset+isBigEndian;
-static inline int32_t
-makeTypeEnum(char type) {
- return
- type == 'l' ? TYPE_L :
- type == 'b' ? TYPE_B :
- type == 'e' ? TYPE_E :
- -1;
-static inline char
-makeTypeLetter(uint8_t charset, UBool isBigEndian) {
- return types[makeTypeEnum(charset, isBigEndian)];
-static inline char
-makeTypeLetter(int32_t typeEnum) {
- return types[typeEnum];
-static void
-makeTypeProps(char type, uint8_t &charset, UBool &isBigEndian) {
- int32_t typeEnum=makeTypeEnum(type);
- charset=(uint8_t)(typeEnum>>1);
- isBigEndian=(UBool)(typeEnum&1);
-U_CFUNC const UDataInfo *
-getDataInfo(const uint8_t *data, int32_t length,
- int32_t &infoLength, int32_t &headerLength,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const DataHeader *pHeader;
- const UDataInfo *pInfo;
- if(pErrorCode==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if( data==NULL ||
- (length>=0 && length<(int32_t)sizeof(DataHeader))
- ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- pHeader=(const DataHeader *)data;
- pInfo=&pHeader->info;
- if( (length>=0 && length<(int32_t)sizeof(DataHeader)) ||
- pHeader->dataHeader.magic1!=0xda ||
- pHeader->dataHeader.magic2!=0x27 ||
- pInfo->sizeofUChar!=2
- ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if(pInfo->isBigEndian==U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN) {
- headerLength=pHeader->dataHeader.headerSize;
- infoLength=pInfo->size;
- } else {
- headerLength=readSwapUInt16(pHeader->dataHeader.headerSize);
- infoLength=readSwapUInt16(pInfo->size);
- }
- if( headerLength<(int32_t)sizeof(DataHeader) ||
- infoLength<(int32_t)sizeof(UDataInfo) ||
- headerLength<(int32_t)(sizeof(pHeader->dataHeader)+infoLength) ||
- (length>=0 && length<headerLength)
- ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- return pInfo;
-static int32_t
-getTypeEnumForInputData(const uint8_t *data, int32_t length,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const UDataInfo *pInfo;
- int32_t infoLength, headerLength;
- /* getDataInfo() checks for illegal arguments */
- pInfo=getDataInfo(data, length, infoLength, headerLength, pErrorCode);
- if(pInfo==NULL) {
- return -1;
- }
- return makeTypeEnum(pInfo->charsetFamily, (UBool)pInfo->isBigEndian);
-// file handling ----------------------------------------------------------- ***
-static void
-extractPackageName(const char *filename,
- char pkg[], int32_t capacity) {
- const char *basename;
- int32_t len;
- basename=findBasename(filename);
- len=(int32_t)strlen(basename)-4; /* -4: subtract the length of ".dat" */
- if(len<=0 || 0!=strcmp(basename+len, ".dat")) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: \"%s\" is not recognized as a package filename (must end with .dat)\n",
- basename);
- }
- if(len>=capacity) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: the package name \"%s\" is too long (>=%ld)\n",
- basename, (long)capacity);
- }
- memcpy(pkg, basename, len);
- pkg[len]=0;
-static int32_t
-getFileLength(FILE *f) {
- int32_t length;
- fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
- length=(int32_t)ftell(f);
- fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
- return length;
- * Turn tree separators and alternate file separators into normal file separators.
- */
-#define treeToPath(s)
-static void
-treeToPath(char *s) {
- char *t;
- for(t=s; *t!=0; ++t) {
- }
- }
- * Turn file separators into tree separators.
- */
-#define pathToTree(s)
-static void
-pathToTree(char *s) {
- char *t;
- for(t=s; *t!=0; ++t) {
- if(*t==U_FILE_SEP_CHAR || *t==U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR) {
- }
- }
- * Prepend the path (if any) to the name and run the name through treeToName().
- */
-static void
-makeFullFilename(const char *path, const char *name,
- char *filename, int32_t capacity) {
- char *s;
- // prepend the path unless NULL or empty
- if(path!=NULL && path[0]!=0) {
- if((int32_t)(strlen(path)+1)>=capacity) {
- fprintf(stderr, "pathname too long: \"%s\"\n", path);
- }
- strcpy(filename, path);
- // make sure the path ends with a file separator
- s=strchr(filename, 0);
- if(*(s-1)!=U_FILE_SEP_CHAR && *(s-1)!=U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR) {
- }
- } else {
- s=filename;
- }
- // turn the name into a filename, turn tree separators into file separators
- if((int32_t)((s-filename)+strlen(name))>=capacity) {
- fprintf(stderr, "path/filename too long: \"%s%s\"\n", filename, name);
- }
- strcpy(s, name);
- treeToPath(s);
-static void
-makeFullFilenameAndDirs(const char *path, const char *name,
- char *filename, int32_t capacity) {
- char *sep;
- UErrorCode errorCode;
- makeFullFilename(path, name, filename, capacity);
- // make tree directories
- errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- sep=strchr(filename, 0)-strlen(name);
- while((sep=strchr(sep, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR))!=NULL) {
- if(sep!=filename) {
- *sep=0; // truncate temporarily
- uprv_mkdir(filename, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to create tree directory \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- }
- *sep++=U_FILE_SEP_CHAR; // restore file separator character
- }
-static uint8_t *
-readFile(const char *path, const char *name, int32_t &length, char &type) {
- char filename[1024];
- FILE *file;
- UErrorCode errorCode;
- int32_t fileLength, typeEnum;
- makeFullFilename(path, name, filename, (int32_t)sizeof(filename));
- /* open the input file, get its length, allocate memory for it, read the file */
- file=fopen(filename, "rb");
- if(file==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to open input file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- /* get the file length */
- fileLength=getFileLength(file);
- if(ferror(file) || fileLength<=0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: empty input file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- fclose(file);
- }
- /* allocate the buffer, pad to multiple of 16 */
- length=(fileLength+0xf)&~0xf;
- icu::LocalMemory<uint8_t> data((uint8_t *)uprv_malloc(length));
- if(data.isNull()) {
- fclose(file);
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: malloc error allocating %d bytes.\n", (int)length);
- }
- /* read the file */
- if(fileLength!=(int32_t)fread(data.getAlias(), 1, fileLength, file)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: error reading \"%s\"\n", filename);
- fclose(file);
- }
- /* pad the file to a multiple of 16 using the usual padding byte */
- if(fileLength<length) {
- memset(data.getAlias()+fileLength, 0xaa, length-fileLength);
- }
- fclose(file);
- // minimum check for ICU-format data
- errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- typeEnum=getTypeEnumForInputData(data.getAlias(), length, &errorCode);
- if(typeEnum<0 || U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: not an ICU data file: \"%s\"\n", filename);
- fprintf(stderr, "U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR occurred but UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION is on so this is expected.\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- type=makeTypeLetter(typeEnum);
- return data.orphan();
-// .dat package file representation ---------------------------------------- ***
-static int32_t U_CALLCONV
-compareItems(const void * /*context*/, const void *left, const void *right) {
- return (int32_t)strcmp(((Item *)left)->name, ((Item *)right)->name);
- : doAutoPrefix(FALSE), prefixEndsWithType(FALSE) {
- inPkgName[0]=0;
- pkgPrefix[0]=0;
- inData=NULL;
- inLength=0;
- inIsBigEndian=U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN;
- itemCount=0;
- itemMax=0;
- items=NULL;
- inStringTop=outStringTop=0;
- matchMode=0;
- findPrefix=findSuffix=NULL;
- findPrefixLength=findSuffixLength=0;
- findNextIndex=-1;
- // create a header for an empty package
- DataHeader *pHeader;
- pHeader=(DataHeader *)header;
- pHeader->dataHeader.magic1=0xda;
- pHeader->dataHeader.magic2=0x27;
- memcpy(&pHeader->info, &dataInfo, sizeof(dataInfo));
- headerLength=(int32_t)(4+sizeof(dataInfo));
- if(headerLength&0xf) {
- /* NUL-pad the header to a multiple of 16 */
- int32_t length=(headerLength+0xf)&~0xf;
- memset(header+headerLength, 0, length-headerLength);
- headerLength=length;
- }
- pHeader->dataHeader.headerSize=(uint16_t)headerLength;
-Package::~Package() {
- int32_t idx;
- uprv_free(inData);
- for(idx=0; idx<itemCount; ++idx) {
- if(items[idx].isDataOwned) {
- uprv_free(items[idx].data);
- }
- }
- uprv_free((void*)items);
-Package::setPrefix(const char *p) {
- if(strlen(p)>=sizeof(pkgPrefix)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: --toc_prefix %s too long\n", p);
- }
- strcpy(pkgPrefix, p);
-Package::readPackage(const char *filename) {
- UDataSwapper *ds;
- const UDataInfo *pInfo;
- UErrorCode errorCode;
- const uint8_t *inBytes;
- int32_t length, offset, i;
- int32_t itemLength, typeEnum;
- char type;
- const UDataOffsetTOCEntry *inEntries;
- extractPackageName(filename, inPkgName, (int32_t)sizeof(inPkgName));
- /* read the file */
- inData=readFile(NULL, filename, inLength, type);
- length=inLength;
- /*
- * swap the header - even if the swapping itself is a no-op
- * because it tells us the header length
- */
- errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- makeTypeProps(type, inCharset, inIsBigEndian);
- ds=udata_openSwapper(inIsBigEndian, inCharset, U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN, U_CHARSET_FAMILY, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: udata_openSwapper(\"%s\") failed - %s\n",
- filename, u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- ds->printError=printPackageError;
- ds->printErrorContext=stderr;
- headerLength=sizeof(header);
- if(length<headerLength) {
- headerLength=length;
- }
- headerLength=udata_swapDataHeader(ds, inData, headerLength, header, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- /* check data format and format version */
- pInfo=(const UDataInfo *)((const char *)inData+4);
- if(!(
- pInfo->dataFormat[0]==0x43 && /* dataFormat="CmnD" */
- pInfo->dataFormat[1]==0x6d &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[2]==0x6e &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[3]==0x44 &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[0]==1
- )) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as an ICU .dat package\n",
- pInfo->dataFormat[0], pInfo->dataFormat[1],
- pInfo->dataFormat[2], pInfo->dataFormat[3],
- pInfo->formatVersion[0]);
- }
- inIsBigEndian=(UBool)pInfo->isBigEndian;
- inCharset=pInfo->charsetFamily;
- inBytes=(const uint8_t *)inData+headerLength;
- inEntries=(const UDataOffsetTOCEntry *)(inBytes+4);
- /* check that the itemCount fits, then the ToC table, then at least the header of the last item */
- length-=headerLength;
- if(length<4) {
- /* itemCount does not fit */
- offset=0x7fffffff;
- } else {
- itemCount=udata_readInt32(ds, *(const int32_t *)inBytes);
- setItemCapacity(itemCount); /* resize so there's space */
- if(itemCount==0) {
- offset=4;
- } else if(length<(4+8*itemCount)) {
- /* ToC table does not fit */
- offset=0x7fffffff;
- } else {
- /* offset of the last item plus at least 20 bytes for its header */
- offset=20+(int32_t)ds->readUInt32(inEntries[itemCount-1].dataOffset);
- }
- }
- if(length<offset) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: too few bytes (%ld after header) for a .dat package\n",
- (long)length);
- }
- /* do not modify the package length variable until the last item's length is set */
- if(itemCount<=0) {
- if(doAutoPrefix) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: --auto_toc_prefix[_with_type] but the input package is empty\n");
- }
- } else {
- char prefix[MAX_PKG_NAME_LENGTH+4];
- char *s, *inItemStrings;
- if(itemCount>itemMax) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: too many items, maximum is %d\n", itemMax);
- }
- /* swap the item name strings */
- int32_t stringsOffset=4+8*itemCount;
- itemLength=(int32_t)(ds->readUInt32(inEntries[0].dataOffset))-stringsOffset;
- // don't include padding bytes at the end of the item names
- while(itemLength>0 && inBytes[stringsOffset+itemLength-1]!=0) {
- --itemLength;
- }
- if((inStringTop+itemLength)>STRING_STORE_SIZE) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: total length of item name strings too long\n");
- }
- inItemStrings=inStrings+inStringTop;
- ds->swapInvChars(ds, inBytes+stringsOffset, itemLength, inItemStrings, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg failed to swap the input .dat package item name strings\n");
- }
- inStringTop+=itemLength;
- // reset the Item entries
- memset(items, 0, itemCount*sizeof(Item));
- /*
- * Get the common prefix of the items.
- * New-style ICU .dat packages use tree separators ('/') between package names,
- * tree names, and item names,
- * while old-style ICU .dat packages (before multi-tree support)
- * use an underscore ('_') between package and item names.
- */
- offset=(int32_t)ds->readUInt32(inEntries[0].nameOffset)-stringsOffset;
- s=inItemStrings+offset; // name of the first entry
- int32_t prefixLength;
- if(doAutoPrefix) {
- // Use the first entry's prefix. Must be a new-style package.
- const char *prefixLimit=strchr(s, U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_CHAR);
- if(prefixLimit==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "icupkg: --auto_toc_prefix[_with_type] but "
- "the first entry \"%s\" does not contain a '%c'\n",
- }
- prefixLength=(int32_t)(prefixLimit-s);
- if(prefixLength==0 || prefixLength>=UPRV_LENGTHOF(pkgPrefix)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "icupkg: --auto_toc_prefix[_with_type] but "
- "the prefix of the first entry \"%s\" is empty or too long\n",
- s);
- }
- if(prefixEndsWithType && s[prefixLength-1]!=type) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "icupkg: --auto_toc_prefix_with_type but "
- "the prefix of the first entry \"%s\" does not end with '%c'\n",
- s, type);
- }
- memcpy(pkgPrefix, s, prefixLength);
- pkgPrefix[prefixLength]=0;
- memcpy(prefix, s, ++prefixLength); // include the /
- } else {
- // Use the package basename as prefix.
- int32_t inPkgNameLength= static_cast<int32_t>(strlen(inPkgName));
- memcpy(prefix, inPkgName, inPkgNameLength);
- prefixLength=inPkgNameLength;
- if( (int32_t)strlen(s)>=(inPkgNameLength+2) &&
- 0==memcmp(s, inPkgName, inPkgNameLength) &&
- s[inPkgNameLength]=='_'
- ) {
- // old-style .dat package
- prefix[prefixLength++]='_';
- } else {
- // new-style .dat package
- prefix[prefixLength++]=U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_CHAR;
- // if it turns out to not contain U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_CHAR
- // then the test in the loop below will fail
- }
- }
- prefix[prefixLength]=0;
- /* read the ToC table */
- for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
- // skip the package part of the item name, error if it does not match the actual package name
- // or if nothing follows the package name
- offset=(int32_t)ds->readUInt32(inEntries[i].nameOffset)-stringsOffset;
- s=inItemStrings+offset;
- if(0!=strncmp(s, prefix, prefixLength) || s[prefixLength]==0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: input .dat item name \"%s\" does not start with \"%s\"\n",
- s, prefix);
- }
- items[i].name=s+prefixLength;
- // set the item's data
- items[i].data=(uint8_t *)inBytes+ds->readUInt32(inEntries[i].dataOffset);
- if(i>0) {
- items[i-1].length=(int32_t)(items[i].data-items[i-1].data);
- // set the previous item's platform type
- typeEnum=getTypeEnumForInputData(items[i-1].data, items[i-1].length, &errorCode);
- if(typeEnum<0 || U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: not an ICU data file: item \"%s\" in \"%s\"\n", items[i-1].name, filename);
- }
- items[i-1].type=makeTypeLetter(typeEnum);
- }
- items[i].isDataOwned=FALSE;
- }
- // set the last item's length
- items[itemCount-1].length=length-ds->readUInt32(inEntries[itemCount-1].dataOffset);
- // set the last item's platform type
- typeEnum=getTypeEnumForInputData(items[itemCount-1].data, items[itemCount-1].length, &errorCode);
- if(typeEnum<0 || U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: not an ICU data file: item \"%s\" in \"%s\"\n", items[itemCount-1].name, filename);
- }
- items[itemCount-1].type=makeTypeLetter(typeEnum);
- if(type!=U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER[0]) {
- // sort the item names for the local charset
- sortItems();
- }
- }
- udata_closeSwapper(ds);
-Package::getInType() {
- return makeTypeLetter(inCharset, inIsBigEndian);
-Package::writePackage(const char *filename, char outType, const char *comment) {
- char prefix[MAX_PKG_NAME_LENGTH+4];
- UDataOffsetTOCEntry entry;
- UDataSwapper *dsLocalToOut, *ds[TYPE_COUNT];
- FILE *file;
- Item *pItem;
- char *name;
- UErrorCode errorCode;
- int32_t i, length, prefixLength, maxItemLength, basenameOffset, offset, outInt32;
- uint8_t outCharset;
- UBool outIsBigEndian;
- extractPackageName(filename, prefix, MAX_PKG_NAME_LENGTH);
- // if there is an explicit comment, then use it, else use what's in the current header
- if(comment!=NULL) {
- /* get the header size minus the current comment */
- DataHeader *pHeader;
- int32_t length;
- pHeader=(DataHeader *)header;
- headerLength=4+pHeader->info.size;
- length=(int32_t)strlen(comment);
- if((int32_t)(headerLength+length)>=(int32_t)sizeof(header)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: comment too long\n");
- }
- memcpy(header+headerLength, comment, length+1);
- headerLength+=length;
- if(headerLength&0xf) {
- /* NUL-pad the header to a multiple of 16 */
- length=(headerLength+0xf)&~0xf;
- memset(header+headerLength, 0, length-headerLength);
- headerLength=length;
- }
- pHeader->dataHeader.headerSize=(uint16_t)headerLength;
- }
- makeTypeProps(outType, outCharset, outIsBigEndian);
- // open (TYPE_COUNT-2) swappers
- // one is a no-op for local type==outType
- // one type (TYPE_LE) is bogus
- errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- i=makeTypeEnum(outType);
- ds[TYPE_B]= i==TYPE_B ? NULL : udata_openSwapper(TRUE, U_ASCII_FAMILY, outIsBigEndian, outCharset, &errorCode);
- ds[TYPE_L]= i==TYPE_L ? NULL : udata_openSwapper(FALSE, U_ASCII_FAMILY, outIsBigEndian, outCharset, &errorCode);
- ds[TYPE_E]= i==TYPE_E ? NULL : udata_openSwapper(TRUE, U_EBCDIC_FAMILY, outIsBigEndian, outCharset, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: udata_openSwapper() failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- for(i=0; i<TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
- if(ds[i]!=NULL) {
- ds[i]->printError=printPackageError;
- ds[i]->printErrorContext=stderr;
- }
- }
- dsLocalToOut=ds[makeTypeEnum(U_CHARSET_FAMILY, U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN)];
- // create the file and write its contents
- file=fopen(filename, "wb");
- if(file==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to create file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- // swap and write the header
- if(dsLocalToOut!=NULL) {
- udata_swapDataHeader(dsLocalToOut, header, headerLength, header, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: udata_swapDataHeader(local to out) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- }
- length=(int32_t)fwrite(header, 1, headerLength, file);
- if(length!=headerLength) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to write complete header to file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- // prepare and swap the package name with a tree separator
- // for prepending to item names
- if(pkgPrefix[0]==0) {
- prefixLength=(int32_t)strlen(prefix);
- } else {
- prefixLength=(int32_t)strlen(pkgPrefix);
- memcpy(prefix, pkgPrefix, prefixLength);
- if(prefixEndsWithType) {
- prefix[prefixLength-1]=outType;
- }
- }
- prefix[prefixLength++]=U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_CHAR;
- prefix[prefixLength]=0;
- if(dsLocalToOut!=NULL) {
- dsLocalToOut->swapInvChars(dsLocalToOut, prefix, prefixLength, prefix, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: swapInvChars(output package name) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- // swap and sort the item names (sorting needs to be done in the output charset)
- dsLocalToOut->swapInvChars(dsLocalToOut, inStrings, inStringTop, inStrings, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: swapInvChars(item names) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- sortItems();
- }
- // create the output item names in sorted order, with the package name prepended to each
- for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
- length=(int32_t)strlen(items[i].name);
- name=allocString(FALSE, length+prefixLength);
- memcpy(name, prefix, prefixLength);
- memcpy(name+prefixLength, items[i].name, length+1);
- items[i].name=name;
- }
- // calculate offsets for item names and items, pad to 16-align items
- // align only the first item; each item's length is a multiple of 16
- basenameOffset=4+8*itemCount;
- offset=basenameOffset+outStringTop;
- if((length=(offset&15))!=0) {
- length=16-length;
- memset(allocString(FALSE, length-1), 0xaa, length);
- offset+=length;
- }
- // write the table of contents
- // first the itemCount
- outInt32=itemCount;
- if(dsLocalToOut!=NULL) {
- dsLocalToOut->swapArray32(dsLocalToOut, &outInt32, 4, &outInt32, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: swapArray32(item count) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- }
- length=(int32_t)fwrite(&outInt32, 1, 4, file);
- if(length!=4) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to write complete item count to file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- // then write the item entries (and collect the maxItemLength)
- maxItemLength=0;
- for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
- entry.nameOffset=(uint32_t)(basenameOffset+(items[i].name-outStrings));
- entry.dataOffset=(uint32_t)offset;
- if(dsLocalToOut!=NULL) {
- dsLocalToOut->swapArray32(dsLocalToOut, &entry, 8, &entry, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: swapArray32(item entry %ld) failed - %s\n", (long)i, u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- }
- length=(int32_t)fwrite(&entry, 1, 8, file);
- if(length!=8) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to write complete item entry %ld to file \"%s\"\n", (long)i, filename);
- }
- length=items[i].length;
- if(length>maxItemLength) {
- maxItemLength=length;
- }
- offset+=length;
- }
- // write the item names
- length=(int32_t)fwrite(outStrings, 1, outStringTop, file);
- if(length!=outStringTop) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to write complete item names to file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- // write the items
- for(pItem=items, i=0; i<itemCount; ++pItem, ++i) {
- int32_t type=makeTypeEnum(pItem->type);
- if(ds[type]!=NULL) {
- // swap each item from its platform properties to the desired ones
- udata_swap(
- ds[type],
- pItem->data, pItem->length, pItem->data,
- &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: udata_swap(item %ld) failed - %s\n", (long)i, u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- }
- length=(int32_t)fwrite(pItem->data, 1, pItem->length, file);
- if(length!=pItem->length) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to write complete item %ld to file \"%s\"\n", (long)i, filename);
- }
- }
- if(ferror(file)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to write complete file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- fclose(file);
- for(i=0; i<TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
- udata_closeSwapper(ds[i]);
- }
-Package::findItem(const char *name, int32_t length) const {
- int32_t i, start, limit;
- int result;
- /* do a binary search for the string */
- start=0;
- limit=itemCount;
- while(start<limit) {
- i=(start+limit)/2;
- if(length>=0) {
- result=strncmp(name, items[i].name, length);
- } else {
- result=strcmp(name, items[i].name);
- }
- if(result==0) {
- /* found */
- if(length>=0) {
- /*
- * if we compared just prefixes, then we may need to back up
- * to the first item with this prefix
- */
- while(i>0 && 0==strncmp(name, items[i-1].name, length)) {
- --i;
- }
- }
- return i;
- } else if(result<0) {
- limit=i;
- } else /* result>0 */ {
- start=i+1;
- }
- }
- return ~start; /* not found, return binary-not of the insertion point */
-Package::findItems(const char *pattern) {
- const char *wild;
- if(pattern==NULL || *pattern==0) {
- findNextIndex=-1;
- return;
- }
- findPrefix=pattern;
- findSuffix=NULL;
- findSuffixLength=0;
- wild=strchr(pattern, '*');
- if(wild==NULL) {
- // no wildcard
- findPrefixLength=(int32_t)strlen(pattern);
- } else {
- // one wildcard
- findPrefixLength=(int32_t)(wild-pattern);
- findSuffix=wild+1;
- findSuffixLength=(int32_t)strlen(findSuffix);
- if(NULL!=strchr(findSuffix, '*')) {
- // two or more wildcards
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: syntax error (more than one '*') in item pattern \"%s\"\n", pattern);
- exit(U_PARSE_ERROR);
- }
- }
- if(findPrefixLength==0) {
- findNextIndex=0;
- } else {
- findNextIndex=findItem(findPrefix, findPrefixLength);
- }
-Package::findNextItem() {
- const char *name, *middle, *treeSep;
- int32_t idx, nameLength, middleLength;
- if(findNextIndex<0) {
- return -1;
- }
- while(findNextIndex<itemCount) {
- idx=findNextIndex++;
- name=items[idx].name;
- nameLength=(int32_t)strlen(name);
- if(nameLength<(findPrefixLength+findSuffixLength)) {
- // item name too short for prefix & suffix
- continue;
- }
- if(findPrefixLength>0 && 0!=memcmp(findPrefix, name, findPrefixLength)) {
- // left the range of names with this prefix
- break;
- }
- middle=name+findPrefixLength;
- middleLength=nameLength-findPrefixLength-findSuffixLength;
- if(findSuffixLength>0 && 0!=memcmp(findSuffix, name+(nameLength-findSuffixLength), findSuffixLength)) {
- // suffix does not match
- continue;
- }
- // prefix & suffix match
- if(matchMode&MATCH_NOSLASH) {
- treeSep=strchr(middle, U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_CHAR);
- if(treeSep!=NULL && (treeSep-middle)<middleLength) {
- // the middle (matching the * wildcard) contains a tree separator /
- continue;
- }
- }
- // found a matching item
- return idx;
- }
- // no more items
- findNextIndex=-1;
- return -1;
-Package::setMatchMode(uint32_t mode) {
- matchMode=mode;
-Package::addItem(const char *name) {
- addItem(name, NULL, 0, FALSE, U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER[0]);
-Package::addItem(const char *name, uint8_t *data, int32_t length, UBool isDataOwned, char type) {
- int32_t idx;
- idx=findItem(name);
- if(idx<0) {
- // new item, make space at the insertion point
- ensureItemCapacity();
- // move the following items down
- idx=~idx;
- if(idx<itemCount) {
- memmove(items+idx+1, items+idx, (itemCount-idx)*sizeof(Item));
- }
- ++itemCount;
- // reset this Item entry
- memset(items+idx, 0, sizeof(Item));
- // copy the item's name
- items[idx].name=allocString(TRUE, static_cast<int32_t>(strlen(name)));
- strcpy(items[idx].name, name);
- pathToTree(items[idx].name);
- } else {
- // same-name item found, replace it
- if(items[idx].isDataOwned) {
- uprv_free(items[idx].data);
- }
- // keep the item's name since it is the same
- }
- // set the item's data
- items[idx].data=data;
- items[idx].length=length;
- items[idx].isDataOwned=isDataOwned;
- items[idx].type=type;
-Package::addFile(const char *filesPath, const char *name) {
- uint8_t *data;
- int32_t length;
- char type;
- data=readFile(filesPath, name, length, type);
- // readFile() exits the tool if it fails
- addItem(name, data, length, TRUE, type);
-Package::addItems(const Package &listPkg) {
- const Item *pItem;
- int32_t i;
- for(pItem=listPkg.items, i=0; i<listPkg.itemCount; ++pItem, ++i) {
- addItem(pItem->name, pItem->data, pItem->length, FALSE, pItem->type);
- }
-Package::removeItem(int32_t idx) {
- if(idx>=0) {
- // remove the item
- if(items[idx].isDataOwned) {
- uprv_free(items[idx].data);
- }
- // move the following items up
- if((idx+1)<itemCount) {
- memmove(items+idx, items+idx+1, (itemCount-(idx+1))*sizeof(Item));
- }
- --itemCount;
- if(idx<=findNextIndex) {
- --findNextIndex;
- }
- }
-Package::removeItems(const char *pattern) {
- int32_t idx;
- findItems(pattern);
- while((idx=findNextItem())>=0) {
- removeItem(idx);
- }
-Package::removeItems(const Package &listPkg) {
- const Item *pItem;
- int32_t i;
- for(pItem=listPkg.items, i=0; i<listPkg.itemCount; ++pItem, ++i) {
- removeItems(pItem->name);
- }
-Package::extractItem(const char *filesPath, const char *outName, int32_t idx, char outType) {
- char filename[1024];
- UDataSwapper *ds;
- FILE *file;
- Item *pItem;
- int32_t fileLength;
- uint8_t itemCharset, outCharset;
- UBool itemIsBigEndian, outIsBigEndian;
- if(idx<0 || itemCount<=idx) {
- return;
- }
- pItem=items+idx;
- // swap the data to the outType
- // outType==0: don't swap
- if(outType!=0 && pItem->type!=outType) {
- // open the swapper
- UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- makeTypeProps(pItem->type, itemCharset, itemIsBigEndian);
- makeTypeProps(outType, outCharset, outIsBigEndian);
- ds=udata_openSwapper(itemIsBigEndian, itemCharset, outIsBigEndian, outCharset, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: udata_openSwapper(item %ld) failed - %s\n",
- (long)idx, u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- ds->printError=printPackageError;
- ds->printErrorContext=stderr;
- // swap the item from its platform properties to the desired ones
- udata_swap(ds, pItem->data, pItem->length, pItem->data, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: udata_swap(item %ld) failed - %s\n", (long)idx, u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
- udata_closeSwapper(ds);
- pItem->type=outType;
- }
- // create the file and write its contents
- makeFullFilenameAndDirs(filesPath, outName, filename, (int32_t)sizeof(filename));
- file=fopen(filename, "wb");
- if(file==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to create file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- fileLength=(int32_t)fwrite(pItem->data, 1, pItem->length, file);
- if(ferror(file) || fileLength!=pItem->length) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: unable to write complete file \"%s\"\n", filename);
- }
- fclose(file);
-Package::extractItem(const char *filesPath, int32_t idx, char outType) {
- extractItem(filesPath, items[idx].name, idx, outType);
-Package::extractItems(const char *filesPath, const char *pattern, char outType) {
- int32_t idx;
- findItems(pattern);
- while((idx=findNextItem())>=0) {
- extractItem(filesPath, idx, outType);
- }
-Package::extractItems(const char *filesPath, const Package &listPkg, char outType) {
- const Item *pItem;
- int32_t i;
- for(pItem=listPkg.items, i=0; i<listPkg.itemCount; ++pItem, ++i) {
- extractItems(filesPath, pItem->name, outType);
- }
-Package::getItemCount() const {
- return itemCount;
-const Item *
-Package::getItem(int32_t idx) const {
- if (0 <= idx && idx < itemCount) {
- return &items[idx];
- }
- return NULL;
-Package::checkDependency(void *context, const char *itemName, const char *targetName) {
- // check dependency: make sure the target item is in the package
- Package *me=(Package *)context;
- if(me->findItem(targetName)<0) {
- me->isMissingItems=TRUE;
- fprintf(stderr, "Item %s depends on missing item %s\n", itemName, targetName);
- }
-Package::checkDependencies() {
- isMissingItems=FALSE;
- enumDependencies(this, checkDependency);
- return (UBool)!isMissingItems;
-Package::enumDependencies(void *context, CheckDependency check) {
- int32_t i;
- for(i=0; i<itemCount; ++i) {
- enumDependencies(items+i, context, check);
- }
-char *
-Package::allocString(UBool in, int32_t length) {
- char *p;
- int32_t top;
- if(in) {
- top=inStringTop;
- p=inStrings+top;
- } else {
- top=outStringTop;
- p=outStrings+top;
- }
- top+=length+1;
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: string storage overflow\n");
- }
- if(in) {
- inStringTop=top;
- } else {
- outStringTop=top;
- }
- return p;
-Package::sortItems() {
- UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- uprv_sortArray(items, itemCount, (int32_t)sizeof(Item), compareItems, NULL, FALSE, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: sorting item names failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- exit(errorCode);
- }
-void Package::setItemCapacity(int32_t max)
- if(max<=itemMax) {
- return;
- }
- Item *newItems = (Item*)uprv_malloc(max * sizeof(items[0]));
- Item *oldItems = items;
- if(newItems == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: Out of memory trying to allocate %lu bytes for %d items\n",
- (unsigned long)(max*sizeof(items[0])), max);
- }
- if(items && itemCount>0) {
- uprv_memcpy(newItems, items, (size_t)itemCount*sizeof(items[0]));
- }
- itemMax = max;
- items = newItems;
- uprv_free(oldItems);
-void Package::ensureItemCapacity()
- if((itemCount+1)>itemMax) {
- setItemCapacity(itemCount+kItemsChunk);
- }