path: root/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/unicode/usearch.h
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-// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
-// License & terms of use:
-* Copyright (C) 2001-2011,2014 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
-* Date Name Description
-* 06/28/2001 synwee Creation.
-#ifndef USEARCH_H
-#define USEARCH_H
-#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
-#include "unicode/ucol.h"
-#include "unicode/ucoleitr.h"
-#include "unicode/ubrk.h"
- * \file
- * \brief C API: StringSearch
- *
- * C Apis for an engine that provides language-sensitive text searching based
- * on the comparison rules defined in a <tt>UCollator</tt> data struct,
- * see <tt>ucol.h</tt>. This ensures that language eccentricity can be
- * handled, e.g. for the German collator, characters &szlig; and SS will be matched
- * if case is chosen to be ignored.
- * See the <a href="">
- * "ICU Collation Design Document"</a> for more information.
- * <p>
- * The implementation may use a linear search or a modified form of the Boyer-Moore
- * search; for more information on the latter see
- * <a href="">
- * "Efficient Text Searching in Java"</a>, published in <i>Java Report</i>
- * in February, 1999.
- * <p>
- * There are 2 match options for selection:<br>
- * Let S' be the sub-string of a text string S between the offsets start and
- * end <start, end>.
- * <br>
- * A pattern string P matches a text string S at the offsets <start, end>
- * if
- * <pre>
- * option 1. Some canonical equivalent of P matches some canonical equivalent
- * of S'
- * option 2. P matches S' and if P starts or ends with a combining mark,
- * there exists no non-ignorable combining mark before or after S'
- * in S respectively.
- * </pre>
- * Option 2. will be the default.
- * <p>
- * This search has APIs similar to that of other text iteration mechanisms
- * such as the break iterators in <tt>ubrk.h</tt>. Using these
- * APIs, it is easy to scan through text looking for all occurances of
- * a given pattern. This search iterator allows changing of direction by
- * calling a <tt>reset</tt> followed by a <tt>next</tt> or <tt>previous</tt>.
- * Though a direction change can occur without calling <tt>reset</tt> first,
- * this operation comes with some speed penalty.
- * Generally, match results in the forward direction will match the result
- * matches in the backwards direction in the reverse order
- * <p>
- * <tt>usearch.h</tt> provides APIs to specify the starting position
- * within the text string to be searched, e.g. <tt>usearch_setOffset</tt>,
- * <tt>usearch_preceding</tt> and <tt>usearch_following</tt>. Since the
- * starting position will be set as it is specified, please take note that
- * there are some dangerous positions which the search may render incorrect
- * results:
- * <ul>
- * <li> The midst of a substring that requires normalization.
- * <li> If the following match is to be found, the position should not be the
- * second character which requires to be swapped with the preceding
- * character. Vice versa, if the preceding match is to be found,
- * position to search from should not be the first character which
- * requires to be swapped with the next character. E.g certain Thai and
- * Lao characters require swapping.
- * <li> If a following pattern match is to be found, any position within a
- * contracting sequence except the first will fail. Vice versa if a
- * preceding pattern match is to be found, a invalid starting point
- * would be any character within a contracting sequence except the last.
- * </ul>
- * <p>
- * A breakiterator can be used if only matches at logical breaks are desired.
- * Using a breakiterator will only give you results that exactly matches the
- * boundaries given by the breakiterator. For instance the pattern "e" will
- * not be found in the string "\u00e9" if a character break iterator is used.
- * <p>
- * Options are provided to handle overlapping matches.
- * E.g. In English, overlapping matches produces the result 0 and 2
- * for the pattern "abab" in the text "ababab", where else mutually
- * exclusive matches only produce the result of 0.
- * <p>
- * Options are also provided to implement "asymmetric search" as described in
- * <a href="">
- * UTS #10 Unicode Collation Algorithm</a>, specifically the USearchAttribute
- * <p>
- * Though collator attributes will be taken into consideration while
- * performing matches, there are no APIs here for setting and getting the
- * attributes. These attributes can be set by getting the collator
- * from <tt>usearch_getCollator</tt> and using the APIs in <tt>ucol.h</tt>.
- * Lastly to update String Search to the new collator attributes,
- * usearch_reset() has to be called.
- * <p>
- * Restriction: <br>
- * Currently there are no composite characters that consists of a
- * character with combining class > 0 before a character with combining
- * class == 0. However, if such a character exists in the future, the
- * search mechanism does not guarantee the results for option 1.
- *
- * <p>
- * Example of use:<br>
- * <pre><code>
- * char *tgtstr = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fox";
- * char *patstr = "fox";
- * UChar target[64];
- * UChar pattern[16];
- * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- * u_uastrcpy(target, tgtstr);
- * u_uastrcpy(pattern, patstr);
- *
- * UStringSearch *search = usearch_open(pattern, -1, target, -1, "en_US",
- * NULL, &status);
- * if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
- * for (int pos = usearch_first(search, &status);
- * pos != USEARCH_DONE;
- * pos = usearch_next(search, &status))
- * {
- * printf("Found match at %d pos, length is %d\n", pos,
- * usearch_getMatchLength(search));
- * }
- * }
- *
- * usearch_close(search);
- * </code></pre>
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
-* DONE is returned by previous() and next() after all valid matches have
-* been returned, and by first() and last() if there are no matches at all.
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-#define USEARCH_DONE -1
-* Data structure for searching
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-struct UStringSearch;
-* Data structure for searching
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-typedef struct UStringSearch UStringSearch;
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-typedef enum {
- /**
- * Option for overlapping matches
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- /**
- * Option for canonical matches; option 1 in header documentation.
- * The default value will be USEARCH_OFF.
- * Note: Setting this option to USEARCH_ON currently has no effect on
- * search behavior, and this option is deprecated. Instead, to control
- * canonical match behavior, you must set UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE
- * appropriately (to UCOL_OFF or UCOL_ON) in the UCollator used by
- * the UStringSearch object.
- * @see usearch_openFromCollator
- * @see usearch_getCollator
- * @see usearch_setCollator
- * @see ucol_getAttribute
- * @deprecated ICU 53
- */
- /**
- * Option to control how collation elements are compared.
- * The default value will be USEARCH_STANDARD_ELEMENT_COMPARISON.
- * @stable ICU 4.4
- */
- /**
- * One more than the highest normal USearchAttribute value.
- * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
- */
-} USearchAttribute;
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-typedef enum {
- /**
- * Default value for any USearchAttribute
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- /**
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- /**
- * @stable ICU 2.4
- */
- /**
- * Value (default) for USEARCH_ELEMENT_COMPARISON;
- * standard collation element comparison at the specified collator
- * strength.
- * @stable ICU 4.4
- */
- /**
- * collation element comparison is modified to effectively provide
- * behavior between the specified strength and strength - 1. Collation
- * elements in the pattern that have the base weight for the specified
- * strength are treated as "wildcards" that match an element with any
- * other weight at that collation level in the searched text. For
- * example, with a secondary-strength English collator, a plain 'e' in
- * the pattern will match a plain e or an e with any diacritic in the
- * searched text, but an e with diacritic in the pattern will only
- * match an e with the same diacritic in the searched text.
- *
- * This supports "asymmetric search" as described in
- * <a href="">
- * UTS #10 Unicode Collation Algorithm</a>.
- *
- * @stable ICU 4.4
- */
- /**
- * collation element comparison is modified to effectively provide
- * behavior between the specified strength and strength - 1. Collation
- * elements in either the pattern or the searched text that have the
- * base weight for the specified strength are treated as "wildcards"
- * that match an element with any other weight at that collation level.
- * For example, with a secondary-strength English collator, a plain 'e'
- * in the pattern will match a plain e or an e with any diacritic in the
- * searched text, but an e with diacritic in the pattern will only
- * match an e with the same diacritic or a plain e in the searched text.
- *
- * This option is similar to "asymmetric search" as described in
- * [UTS #10 Unicode Collation Algorithm](,
- * but also allows unmarked characters in the searched text to match
- * marked or unmarked versions of that character in the pattern.
- *
- * @stable ICU 4.4
- */
- /**
- * One more than the highest normal USearchAttributeValue value.
- * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
- */
-} USearchAttributeValue;
-/* open and close ------------------------------------------------------ */
-* Creating a search iterator data struct using the argument locale language
-* rule set. A collator will be created in the process, which will be owned by
-* this search and will be deleted in <tt>usearch_close</tt>.
-* @param pattern for matching
-* @param patternlength length of the pattern, -1 for null-termination
-* @param text text string
-* @param textlength length of the text string, -1 for null-termination
-* @param locale name of locale for the rules to be used
-* @param breakiter A BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points
-* at which matches are detected. If a match is found, but
-* the match's start or end index is not a boundary as
-* determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, the match will
-* be rejected and another will be searched for.
-* If this parameter is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is
-* attempted.
-* @param status for errors if it occurs. If pattern or text is NULL, or if
-* patternlength or textlength is 0 then an
-* @return search iterator data structure, or NULL if there is an error.
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE UStringSearch * U_EXPORT2 usearch_open(const UChar *pattern,
- int32_t patternlength,
- const UChar *text,
- int32_t textlength,
- const char *locale,
- UBreakIterator *breakiter,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Creating a search iterator data struct using the argument collator language
-* rule set. Note, user retains the ownership of this collator, thus the
-* responsibility of deletion lies with the user.
-* NOTE: string search cannot be instantiated from a collator that has
-* collate digits as numbers (CODAN) turned on.
-* @param pattern for matching
-* @param patternlength length of the pattern, -1 for null-termination
-* @param text text string
-* @param textlength length of the text string, -1 for null-termination
-* @param collator used for the language rules
-* @param breakiter A BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points
-* at which matches are detected. If a match is found, but
-* the match's start or end index is not a boundary as
-* determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, the match will
-* be rejected and another will be searched for.
-* If this parameter is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is
-* attempted.
-* @param status for errors if it occurs. If collator, pattern or text is NULL,
-* or if patternlength or textlength is 0 then an
-* @return search iterator data structure, or NULL if there is an error.
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE UStringSearch * U_EXPORT2 usearch_openFromCollator(
- const UChar *pattern,
- int32_t patternlength,
- const UChar *text,
- int32_t textlength,
- const UCollator *collator,
- UBreakIterator *breakiter,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Destroying and cleaning up the search iterator data struct.
-* If a collator is created in <tt>usearch_open</tt>, it will be destroyed here.
-* @param searchiter data struct to clean up
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_close(UStringSearch *searchiter);
- * \class LocalUStringSearchPointer
- * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UStringSearch via usearch_close().
- * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
- *
- * @see LocalPointerBase
- * @see LocalPointer
- * @stable ICU 4.4
- */
-U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUStringSearchPointer, UStringSearch, usearch_close);
-/* get and set methods -------------------------------------------------- */
-* Sets the current position in the text string which the next search will
-* start from. Clears previous states.
-* This method takes the argument index and sets the position in the text
-* string accordingly without checking if the index is pointing to a
-* valid starting point to begin searching.
-* Search positions that may render incorrect results are highlighted in the
-* header comments
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param position position to start next search from. If position is less
-* than or greater than the text range for searching,
-* an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
-* @param status error status if any.
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setOffset(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- int32_t position,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Return the current index in the string text being searched.
-* If the iteration has gone past the end of the text (or past the beginning
-* for a backwards search), <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> is returned.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getOffset(const UStringSearch *strsrch);
-* Sets the text searching attributes located in the enum USearchAttribute
-* with values from the enum USearchAttributeValue.
-* <tt>USEARCH_DEFAULT</tt> can be used for all attributes for resetting.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param attribute text attribute to be set
-* @param value text attribute value
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @see #usearch_getAttribute
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setAttribute(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- USearchAttribute attribute,
- USearchAttributeValue value,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Gets the text searching attributes.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param attribute text attribute to be retrieve
-* @return text attribute value
-* @see #usearch_setAttribute
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE USearchAttributeValue U_EXPORT2 usearch_getAttribute(
- const UStringSearch *strsrch,
- USearchAttribute attribute);
-* Returns the index to the match in the text string that was searched.
-* This call returns a valid result only after a successful call to
-* <tt>usearch_first</tt>, <tt>usearch_next</tt>, <tt>usearch_previous</tt>,
-* or <tt>usearch_last</tt>.
-* Just after construction, or after a searching method returns
-* <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>, this method will return <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
-* <p>
-* Use <tt>usearch_getMatchedLength</tt> to get the matched string length.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @return index to a substring within the text string that is being
-* searched.
-* @see #usearch_first
-* @see #usearch_next
-* @see #usearch_previous
-* @see #usearch_last
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getMatchedStart(
- const UStringSearch *strsrch);
-* Returns the length of text in the string which matches the search pattern.
-* This call returns a valid result only after a successful call to
-* <tt>usearch_first</tt>, <tt>usearch_next</tt>, <tt>usearch_previous</tt>,
-* or <tt>usearch_last</tt>.
-* Just after construction, or after a searching method returns
-* <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>, this method will return 0.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @return The length of the match in the string text, or 0 if there is no
-* match currently.
-* @see #usearch_first
-* @see #usearch_next
-* @see #usearch_previous
-* @see #usearch_last
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getMatchedLength(
- const UStringSearch *strsrch);
-* Returns the text that was matched by the most recent call to
-* <tt>usearch_first</tt>, <tt>usearch_next</tt>, <tt>usearch_previous</tt>,
-* or <tt>usearch_last</tt>.
-* If the iterator is not pointing at a valid match (e.g. just after
-* construction or after <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> has been returned, returns
-* an empty string. If result is not large enough to store the matched text,
-* result will be filled with the partial text and an U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
-* will be returned in status. result will be null-terminated whenever
-* possible. If the buffer fits the matched text exactly, a null-termination
-* is not possible, then a U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_ERROR set in status.
-* Pre-flighting can be either done with length = 0 or the API
-* <tt>usearch_getMatchLength</tt>.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param result UChar buffer to store the matched string
-* @param resultCapacity length of the result buffer
-* @param status error returned if result is not large enough
-* @return exact length of the matched text, not counting the null-termination
-* @see #usearch_first
-* @see #usearch_next
-* @see #usearch_previous
-* @see #usearch_last
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_getMatchedText(const UStringSearch *strsrch,
- UChar *result,
- int32_t resultCapacity,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Set the BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points at which
-* matches are detected.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param breakiter A BreakIterator that will be used to restrict the points
-* at which matches are detected. If a match is found, but
-* the match's start or end index is not a boundary as
-* determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt>, the match will
-* be rejected and another will be searched for.
-* If this parameter is <tt>NULL</tt>, no break detection is
-* attempted.
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @see #usearch_getBreakIterator
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setBreakIterator(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- UBreakIterator *breakiter,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Returns the BreakIterator that is used to restrict the points at which
-* matches are detected. This will be the same object that was passed to the
-* constructor or to <tt>usearch_setBreakIterator</tt>. Note that
-* <tt>NULL</tt>
-* is a legal value; it means that break detection should not be attempted.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @return break iterator used
-* @see #usearch_setBreakIterator
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE const UBreakIterator * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getBreakIterator(
- const UStringSearch *strsrch);
-* Set the string text to be searched. Text iteration will hence begin at the
-* start of the text string. This method is useful if you want to re-use an
-* iterator to search for the same pattern within a different body of text.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param text new string to look for match
-* @param textlength length of the new string, -1 for null-termination
-* @param status for errors if it occurs. If text is NULL, or textlength is 0
-* then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned with no change
-* done to strsrch.
-* @see #usearch_getText
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setText( UStringSearch *strsrch,
- const UChar *text,
- int32_t textlength,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Return the string text to be searched.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param length returned string text length
-* @return string text
-* @see #usearch_setText
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getText(const UStringSearch *strsrch,
- int32_t *length);
-* Gets the collator used for the language rules.
-* <p>
-* Deleting the returned <tt>UCollator</tt> before calling
-* <tt>usearch_close</tt> would cause the string search to fail.
-* <tt>usearch_close</tt> will delete the collator if this search owns it.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @return collator
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE UCollator * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getCollator(
- const UStringSearch *strsrch);
-* Sets the collator used for the language rules. User retains the ownership
-* of this collator, thus the responsibility of deletion lies with the user.
-* This method causes internal data such as Boyer-Moore shift tables to
-* be recalculated, but the iterator's position is unchanged.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param collator to be used
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setCollator( UStringSearch *strsrch,
- const UCollator *collator,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Sets the pattern used for matching.
-* Internal data like the Boyer Moore table will be recalculated, but the
-* iterator's position is unchanged.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param pattern string
-* @param patternlength pattern length, -1 for null-terminated string
-* @param status for errors if it occurs. If text is NULL, or textlength is 0
-* then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned with no change
-* done to strsrch.
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_setPattern( UStringSearch *strsrch,
- const UChar *pattern,
- int32_t patternlength,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Gets the search pattern
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param length return length of the pattern, -1 indicates that the pattern
-* is null-terminated
-* @return pattern string
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE const UChar * U_EXPORT2 usearch_getPattern(
- const UStringSearch *strsrch,
- int32_t *length);
-/* methods ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-* Returns the first index at which the string text matches the search
-* pattern.
-* The iterator is adjusted so that its current index (as returned by
-* <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if one was found.
-* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
-* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @return The character index of the first match, or
-* <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no matches.
-* @see #usearch_getOffset
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_first(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Returns the first index equal or greater than <tt>position</tt> at which
-* the string text
-* matches the search pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current
-* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if
-* one was found.
-* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
-* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
-* <p>
-* Search positions that may render incorrect results are highlighted in the
-* header comments. If position is less than or greater than the text range
-* for searching, an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param position to start the search at
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @return The character index of the first match following <tt>pos</tt>,
-* or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no matches.
-* @see #usearch_getOffset
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_following(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- int32_t position,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Returns the last index in the target text at which it matches the search
-* pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current
-* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if
-* one was found.
-* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
-* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @return The index of the first match, or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there
-* are no matches.
-* @see #usearch_getOffset
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_last(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Returns the first index less than <tt>position</tt> at which the string text
-* matches the search pattern. The iterator is adjusted so that its current
-* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if
-* one was found.
-* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
-* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
-* <p>
-* Search positions that may render incorrect results are highlighted in the
-* header comments. If position is less than or greater than the text range
-* for searching, an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned.
-* <p>
-* When <tt>USEARCH_OVERLAP</tt> option is off, the last index of the
-* result match is always less than <tt>position</tt>.
-* When <tt>USERARCH_OVERLAP</tt> is on, the result match may span across
-* <tt>position</tt>.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param position index position the search is to begin at
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @return The character index of the first match preceding <tt>pos</tt>,
-* or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no matches.
-* @see #usearch_getOffset
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_preceding(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- int32_t position,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Returns the index of the next point at which the string text matches the
-* search pattern, starting from the current position.
-* The iterator is adjusted so that its current
-* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if
-* one was found.
-* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
-* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @return The index of the next match after the current position, or
-* <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no more matches.
-* @see #usearch_first
-* @see #usearch_getOffset
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_next(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Returns the index of the previous point at which the string text matches
-* the search pattern, starting at the current position.
-* The iterator is adjusted so that its current
-* index (as returned by <tt>usearch_getOffset</tt>) is the match position if
-* one was found.
-* If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
-* the iterator will be adjusted to the index <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @param status for errors if it occurs
-* @return The index of the previous match before the current position,
-* or <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> if there are no more matches.
-* @see #usearch_last
-* @see #usearch_getOffset
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2 usearch_previous(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- UErrorCode *status);
-* Reset the iteration.
-* Search will begin at the start of the text string if a forward iteration
-* is initiated before a backwards iteration. Otherwise if a backwards
-* iteration is initiated before a forwards iteration, the search will begin
-* at the end of the text string.
-* @param strsrch search iterator data struct
-* @see #usearch_first
-* @stable ICU 2.4
-U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2 usearch_reset(UStringSearch *strsrch);
- * Simple forward search for the pattern, starting at a specified index,
- * and using using a default set search options.
- *
- * This is an experimental function, and is not an official part of the
- * ICU API.
- *
- * The collator options, such as UCOL_STRENGTH and UCOL_NORMALIZTION, are honored.
- *
- * any Break Iterator are ignored.
- *
- * Matches obey the following constraints:
- *
- * Characters at the start or end positions of a match that are ignorable
- * for collation are not included as part of the match, unless they
- * are part of a combining sequence, as described below.
- *
- * A match will not include a partial combining sequence. Combining
- * character sequences are considered to be inseperable units,
- * and either match the pattern completely, or are considered to not match
- * at all. Thus, for example, an A followed a combining accent mark will
- * not be found when searching for a plain (unaccented) A. (unless
- * the collation strength has been set to ignore all accents).
- *
- * When beginning a search, the initial starting position, startIdx,
- * is assumed to be an acceptable match boundary with respect to
- * combining characters. A combining sequence that spans across the
- * starting point will not supress a match beginning at startIdx.
- *
- * Characters that expand to multiple collation elements
- * (German sharp-S becoming 'ss', or the composed forms of accented
- * characters, for example) also must match completely.
- * Searching for a single 's' in a string containing only a sharp-s will
- * find no match.
- *
- *
- * @param strsrch the UStringSearch struct, which references both
- * the text to be searched and the pattern being sought.
- * @param startIdx The index into the text to begin the search.
- * @param matchStart An out parameter, the starting index of the matched text.
- * This parameter may be NULL.
- * A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
- * @param matchLimit Out parameter, the index of the first position following the matched text.
- * The matchLimit will be at a suitable position for beginning a subsequent search
- * in the input text.
- * This parameter may be NULL.
- * A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
- *
- * @param status Report any errors. Note that no match found is not an error.
- * @return TRUE if a match was found, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * @internal
- */
-U_INTERNAL UBool U_EXPORT2 usearch_search(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- int32_t startIdx,
- int32_t *matchStart,
- int32_t *matchLimit,
- UErrorCode *status);
- * Simple backwards search for the pattern, starting at a specified index,
- * and using using a default set search options.
- *
- * This is an experimental function, and is not an official part of the
- * ICU API.
- *
- * The collator options, such as UCOL_STRENGTH and UCOL_NORMALIZTION, are honored.
- *
- * any Break Iterator are ignored.
- *
- * Matches obey the following constraints:
- *
- * Characters at the start or end positions of a match that are ignorable
- * for collation are not included as part of the match, unless they
- * are part of a combining sequence, as described below.
- *
- * A match will not include a partial combining sequence. Combining
- * character sequences are considered to be inseperable units,
- * and either match the pattern completely, or are considered to not match
- * at all. Thus, for example, an A followed a combining accent mark will
- * not be found when searching for a plain (unaccented) A. (unless
- * the collation strength has been set to ignore all accents).
- *
- * When beginning a search, the initial starting position, startIdx,
- * is assumed to be an acceptable match boundary with respect to
- * combining characters. A combining sequence that spans across the
- * starting point will not supress a match beginning at startIdx.
- *
- * Characters that expand to multiple collation elements
- * (German sharp-S becoming 'ss', or the composed forms of accented
- * characters, for example) also must match completely.
- * Searching for a single 's' in a string containing only a sharp-s will
- * find no match.
- *
- *
- * @param strsrch the UStringSearch struct, which references both
- * the text to be searched and the pattern being sought.
- * @param startIdx The index into the text to begin the search.
- * @param matchStart An out parameter, the starting index of the matched text.
- * This parameter may be NULL.
- * A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
- * @param matchLimit Out parameter, the index of the first position following the matched text.
- * The matchLimit will be at a suitable position for beginning a subsequent search
- * in the input text.
- * This parameter may be NULL.
- * A value of -1 will be returned if no match was found.
- *
- * @param status Report any errors. Note that no match found is not an error.
- * @return TRUE if a match was found, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * @internal
- */
-U_INTERNAL UBool U_EXPORT2 usearch_searchBackwards(UStringSearch *strsrch,
- int32_t startIdx,
- int32_t *matchStart,
- int32_t *matchLimit,
- UErrorCode *status);
-#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */