path: root/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/ b/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c06b4eb..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
-# License & terms of use:
-# ********************************************************************
-# * Copyright (c) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
-# * others. All Rights Reserved.
-# ********************************************************************
-# Compile the regular expression paser state table data into initialized C data.
-# Usage:
-# cd icu/source/i18n
-# perl < regexcst.txt > regexcst.h
-# The output file, regexcst.h, is included by some of the .cpp regex
-# implementation files. This perl script is NOT run as part
-# of a normal ICU build. It is run by hand when needed, and the
-# regexcst.h generated file is put back into cvs.
-# See regexcst.txt for a description of the input format for this script.
-# This script is derived from, which peforms the same function
-# for the Rule Based Break Iterator Rule Parser. Perhaps they could be
-# merged?
-$num_states = 1; # Always the state number for the line being compiled.
-$line_num = 0; # The line number in the input file.
-$states{"pop"} = 255; # Add the "pop" to the list of defined state names.
- # This prevents any state from being labelled with "pop",
- # and resolves references to "pop" in the next state field.
-line_loop: while (<>) {
- chomp();
- $line = $_;
- @fields = split();
- $line_num++;
- # Remove # comments, which are any fields beginning with a #, plus all
- # that follow on the line.
- for ($i=0; $i<@fields; $i++) {
- if ($fields[$i] =~ /^#/) {
- @fields = @fields[0 .. $i-1];
- last;
- }
- }
- # ignore blank lines, and those with no fields left after stripping comments..
- if (@fields == 0) {
- next;
- }
- #
- # State Label: handling.
- # Does the first token end with a ":"? If so, it's the name of a state.
- # Put in a hash, together with the current state number,
- # so that we can later look up the number from the name.
- #
- if (@fields[0] =~ /.*:$/) {
- $state_name = @fields[0];
- $state_name =~ s/://; # strip off the colon from the state name.
- if ($states{$state_name} != 0) {
- print " rbbicst: at line $line-num duplicate definition of state $state_name\n";
- }
- $states{$state_name} = $num_states;
- $stateNames[$num_states] = $state_name;
- # if the label was the only thing on this line, go on to the next line,
- # otherwise assume that a state definition is on the same line and fall through.
- if (@fields == 1) {
- next line_loop;
- }
- shift @fields; # shift off label field in preparation
- # for handling the rest of the line.
- }
- #
- # State Transition line.
- # syntax is this,
- # character [n] target-state [^push-state] [function-name]
- # where
- # [something] is an optional something
- # character is either a single quoted character e.g. '['
- # or a name of a character class, e.g. white_space
- #
- $state_line_num[$num_states] = $line_num; # remember line number with each state
- # so we can make better error messages later.
- #
- # First field, character class or literal character for this transition.
- #
- if ($fields[0] =~ /^'.'$/) {
- # We've got a quoted literal character.
- $state_literal_chars[$num_states] = $fields[0];
- $state_literal_chars[$num_states] =~ s/'//g;
- } else {
- # We've got the name of a character class.
- $state_char_class[$num_states] = $fields[0];
- if ($fields[0] =~ /[\W]/) {
- print " rbbicsts: at line $line_num, bad character literal or character class name.\n";
- print " scanning $fields[0]\n";
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- shift @fields;
- #
- # do the 'n' flag
- #
- $state_flag[$num_states] = "FALSE";
- if ($fields[0] eq "n") {
- $state_flag[$num_states] = "TRUE";
- shift @fields;
- }
- #
- # do the destination state.
- #
- $state_dest_state[$num_states] = $fields[0];
- if ($fields[0] eq "") {
- print " rbbicsts: at line $line_num, destination state missing.\n";
- exit(-1);
- }
- shift @fields;
- #
- # do the push state, if present.
- #
- if ($fields[0] =~ /^\^/) {
- $fields[0] =~ s/^\^//;
- $state_push_state[$num_states] = $fields[0];
- if ($fields[0] eq "" ) {
- print " rbbicsts: at line $line_num, expected state after ^ (no spaces).\n";
- exit(-1);
- }
- shift @fields;
- }
- #
- # Lastly, do the optional action name.
- #
- if ($fields[0] ne "") {
- $state_func_name[$num_states] = $fields[0];
- shift @fields;
- }
- #
- # There should be no fields left on the line at this point.
- #
- if (@fields > 0) {
- print " rbbicsts: at line $line_num, unexpected extra stuff on input line.\n";
- print " scanning $fields[0]\n";
- }
- $num_states++;
-# We've read in the whole file, now go back and output the
-# C source code for the state transition table.
-# We read all states first, before writing anything, so that the state numbers
-# for the destination states are all available to be written.
-# Make hashes for the names of the character classes and
-# for the names of the actions that appeared.
-for ($state=1; $state < $num_states; $state++) {
- if ($state_char_class[$state] ne "") {
- if ($charClasses{$state_char_class[$state]} == 0) {
- $charClasses{$state_char_class[$state]} = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($state_func_name[$state] eq "") {
- $state_func_name[$state] = "doNOP";
- }
- if ($actions{$state_action_name[$state]} == 0) {
- $actions{$state_func_name[$state]} = 1;
- }
-# Check that all of the destination states have been defined
-$states{"exit"} = 0; # Predefined state name, terminates state machine.
-for ($state=1; $state<$num_states; $state++) {
- if ($states{$state_dest_state[$state]} == 0 && $state_dest_state[$state] ne "exit") {
- print "Error at line $state_line_num[$state]: target state \"$state_dest_state[$state]\" is not defined.\n";
- $errors++;
- }
- if ($state_push_state[$state] ne "" && $states{$state_push_state[$state]} == 0) {
- print "Error at line $state_line_num[$state]: target state \"$state_push_state[$state]\" is not defined.\n";
- $errors++;
- }
-die if ($errors>0);
-print "//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-print "//\n";
-print "// Generated Header File. Do not edit by hand.\n";
-print "// This file contains the state table for the ICU Regular Expression Pattern Parser\n";
-print "// It is generated by the Perl script \"\" from\n";
-print "// the rule parser state definitions file \"regexcst.txt\".\n";
-print "//\n";
-print "// Copyright (C) 2002-2016 International Business Machines Corporation \n";
-print "// and others. All rights reserved. \n";
-print "//\n";
-print "//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-print "#ifndef RBBIRPT_H\n";
-print "#define RBBIRPT_H\n";
-print "\n";
-print "#include \"unicode/utypes.h\"\n";
-print "\n";
-# Emit the constants for indicies of Unicode Sets
-# Define one constant for each of the character classes encountered.
-# At the same time, store the index corresponding to the set name back into hash.
-print "//\n";
-print "// Character classes for regex pattern scanning.\n";
-print "//\n";
-$i = 128; # State Table values for Unicode char sets range from 128-250.
- # Sets "default", "quoted", etc. get special handling.
- # They have no corresponding UnicodeSet object in the state machine,
- # but are handled by special case code. So we emit no reference
- # to a UnicodeSet object to them here.
-foreach $setName (keys %charClasses) {
- if ($setName eq "default") {
- $charClasses{$setName} = 255;}
- elsif ($setName eq "quoted") {
- $charClasses{$setName} = 254;}
- elsif ($setName eq "eof") {
- $charClasses{$setName} = 253;}
- else {
- # Normal character class. Fill in array with a ptr to the corresponding UnicodeSet in the state machine.
- print " static const uint8_t kRuleSet_$setName = $i;\n";
- $charClasses{$setName} = $i;
- $i++;
- }
-print "\n\n";
-# Emit the enum for the actions to be performed.
-print "enum Regex_PatternParseAction {\n";
-foreach $act (keys %actions) {
- print " $act,\n";
-print " rbbiLastAction};\n\n";
-# Emit the struct definition for transtion table elements.
-print "//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-print "//\n";
-print "// RegexTableEl represents the structure of a row in the transition table\n";
-print "// for the pattern parser state machine.\n";
-print "//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-print "struct RegexTableEl {\n";
-print " Regex_PatternParseAction fAction;\n";
-print " uint8_t fCharClass; // 0-127: an individual ASCII character\n";
-print " // 128-255: character class index\n";
-print " uint8_t fNextState; // 0-250: normal next-state numbers\n";
-print " // 255: pop next-state from stack.\n";
-print " uint8_t fPushState;\n";
-print " UBool fNextChar;\n";
-print "};\n\n";
-# emit the state transition table
-print "static const struct RegexTableEl gRuleParseStateTable[] = {\n";
-print " {doNOP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE}\n"; # State 0 is a dummy. Real states start with index = 1.
-for ($state=1; $state < $num_states; $state++) {
- print " , {$state_func_name[$state],";
- if ($state_literal_chars[$state] ne "") {
- $c = $state_literal_chars[$state];
- printf(" %d /* $c */,", ord($c)); # use numeric value, so EBCDIC machines are ok.
- }else {
- print " $charClasses{$state_char_class[$state]},";
- }
- print " $states{$state_dest_state[$state]},";
- # The push-state field is optional. If omitted, fill field with a zero, which flags
- # the state machine that there is no push state.
- if ($state_push_state[$state] eq "") {
- print "0, ";
- } else {
- print " $states{$state_push_state[$state]},";
- }
- print " $state_flag[$state]} ";
- # Put out a C++ comment showing the number (index) of this state row,
- # and, if this is the first row of the table for this state, the state name.
- print " // $state ";
- if ($stateNames[$state] ne "") {
- print " $stateNames[$state]";
- }
- print "\n";
-print " };\n";
-# emit a mapping array from state numbers to state names.
-# This array is used for producing debugging output from the pattern parser.
-print "static const char * const RegexStateNames[] = {";
-for ($state=0; $state<$num_states; $state++) {
- if ($stateNames[$state] ne "") {
- print " \"$stateNames[$state]\",\n";
- } else {
- print " 0,\n";
- }
-print " 0};\n\n";
-print "U_NAMESPACE_END\n";
-print "#endif\n";