path: root/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_mapper.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_mapper.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 508 deletions
diff --git a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_mapper.cpp b/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_mapper.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c9a8e51..00000000
--- a/deps/node/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/number_mapper.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
-// License & terms of use:
-#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-// Allow implicit conversion from char16_t* to UnicodeString for this file:
-// Helpful in toString methods and elsewhere.
-#include "number_mapper.h"
-#include "number_patternstring.h"
-#include "unicode/errorcode.h"
-#include "number_utils.h"
-#include "number_currencysymbols.h"
-using namespace icu;
-using namespace icu::number;
-using namespace icu::number::impl;
-UnlocalizedNumberFormatter NumberPropertyMapper::create(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
- const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
- DecimalFormatWarehouse& warehouse,
- UErrorCode& status) {
- return NumberFormatter::with().macros(oldToNew(properties, symbols, warehouse, nullptr, status));
-UnlocalizedNumberFormatter NumberPropertyMapper::create(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
- const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
- DecimalFormatWarehouse& warehouse,
- DecimalFormatProperties& exportedProperties,
- UErrorCode& status) {
- return NumberFormatter::with().macros(
- oldToNew(
- properties, symbols, warehouse, &exportedProperties, status));
-MacroProps NumberPropertyMapper::oldToNew(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
- const DecimalFormatSymbols& symbols,
- DecimalFormatWarehouse& warehouse,
- DecimalFormatProperties* exportedProperties,
- UErrorCode& status) {
- MacroProps macros;
- Locale locale = symbols.getLocale();
- /////////////
- // SYMBOLS //
- /////////////
- macros.symbols.setTo(symbols);
- //////////////////
- //////////////////
- if (!properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.isNull()) {
- macros.rules = properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr->getPluralRules();
- }
- /////////////
- // AFFIXES //
- /////////////
- AffixPatternProvider* affixProvider;
- if (properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.isNull()) {
- warehouse.currencyPluralInfoAPP.setToBogus();
- warehouse.propertiesAPP.setTo(properties, status);
- affixProvider = &warehouse.propertiesAPP;
- } else {
- warehouse.currencyPluralInfoAPP.setTo(*properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr, properties, status);
- warehouse.propertiesAPP.setToBogus();
- affixProvider = &warehouse.currencyPluralInfoAPP;
- }
- macros.affixProvider = affixProvider;
- ///////////
- // UNITS //
- ///////////
- bool useCurrency = (
- !properties.currency.isNull() || !properties.currencyPluralInfo.fPtr.isNull() ||
- !properties.currencyUsage.isNull() || affixProvider->hasCurrencySign());
- CurrencyUnit currency = resolveCurrency(properties, locale, status);
- UCurrencyUsage currencyUsage = properties.currencyUsage.getOrDefault(UCURR_USAGE_STANDARD);
- if (useCurrency) {
- // NOTE: Slicing is OK.
- macros.unit = currency; // NOLINT
- }
- warehouse.currencySymbols = {currency, locale, symbols, status};
- macros.currencySymbols = &warehouse.currencySymbols;
- ///////////////////////
- ///////////////////////
- int32_t maxInt = properties.maximumIntegerDigits;
- int32_t minInt = properties.minimumIntegerDigits;
- int32_t maxFrac = properties.maximumFractionDigits;
- int32_t minFrac = properties.minimumFractionDigits;
- int32_t minSig = properties.minimumSignificantDigits;
- int32_t maxSig = properties.maximumSignificantDigits;
- double roundingIncrement = properties.roundingIncrement;
- RoundingMode roundingMode = properties.roundingMode.getOrDefault(UNUM_ROUND_HALFEVEN);
- bool explicitMinMaxFrac = minFrac != -1 || maxFrac != -1;
- bool explicitMinMaxSig = minSig != -1 || maxSig != -1;
- // Resolve min/max frac for currencies, required for the validation logic and for when minFrac or
- // maxFrac was
- // set (but not both) on a currency instance.
- // NOTE: Increments are handled in "Precision.constructCurrency()".
- if (useCurrency && (minFrac == -1 || maxFrac == -1)) {
- int32_t digits = ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigitsForUsage(
- currency.getISOCurrency(), currencyUsage, &status);
- if (minFrac == -1 && maxFrac == -1) {
- minFrac = digits;
- maxFrac = digits;
- } else if (minFrac == -1) {
- minFrac = std::min(maxFrac, digits);
- } else /* if (maxFrac == -1) */ {
- maxFrac = std::max(minFrac, digits);
- }
- }
- // Validate min/max int/frac.
- // For backwards compatibility, minimum overrides maximum if the two conflict.
- // The following logic ensures that there is always a minimum of at least one digit.
- if (minInt == 0 && maxFrac != 0) {
- // Force a digit after the decimal point.
- minFrac = minFrac <= 0 ? 1 : minFrac;
- maxFrac = maxFrac < 0 ? -1 : maxFrac < minFrac ? minFrac : maxFrac;
- minInt = 0;
- maxInt = maxInt < 0 ? -1 : maxInt > kMaxIntFracSig ? -1 : maxInt;
- } else {
- // Force a digit before the decimal point.
- minFrac = minFrac < 0 ? 0 : minFrac;
- maxFrac = maxFrac < 0 ? -1 : maxFrac < minFrac ? minFrac : maxFrac;
- minInt = minInt <= 0 ? 1 : minInt > kMaxIntFracSig ? 1 : minInt;
- maxInt = maxInt < 0 ? -1 : maxInt < minInt ? minInt : maxInt > kMaxIntFracSig ? -1 : maxInt;
- }
- Precision precision;
- if (!properties.currencyUsage.isNull()) {
- precision = Precision::constructCurrency(currencyUsage).withCurrency(currency);
- } else if (roundingIncrement != 0.0) {
- precision = Precision::constructIncrement(roundingIncrement, minFrac);
- } else if (explicitMinMaxSig) {
- minSig = minSig < 1 ? 1 : minSig > kMaxIntFracSig ? kMaxIntFracSig : minSig;
- maxSig = maxSig < 0 ? kMaxIntFracSig : maxSig < minSig ? minSig : maxSig > kMaxIntFracSig
- ? kMaxIntFracSig : maxSig;
- precision = Precision::constructSignificant(minSig, maxSig);
- } else if (explicitMinMaxFrac) {
- precision = Precision::constructFraction(minFrac, maxFrac);
- } else if (useCurrency) {
- precision = Precision::constructCurrency(currencyUsage);
- }
- if (!precision.isBogus()) {
- precision = precision.withMode(roundingMode);
- macros.precision = precision;
- }
- ///////////////////
- ///////////////////
- macros.integerWidth = IntegerWidth(
- static_cast<digits_t>(minInt),
- static_cast<digits_t>(maxInt),
- properties.formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits);
- ///////////////////////
- ///////////////////////
- macros.grouper = Grouper::forProperties(properties);
- /////////////
- // PADDING //
- /////////////
- if (properties.formatWidth != -1) {
- macros.padder = Padder::forProperties(properties);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////
- macros.decimal = properties.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown ? UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_ALWAYS
- ///////////////////////
- ///////////////////////
- macros.sign = properties.signAlwaysShown ? UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS : UNUM_SIGN_AUTO;
- /////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////
- if (properties.minimumExponentDigits != -1) {
- // Scientific notation is required.
- // This whole section feels like a hack, but it is needed for regression tests.
- // The mapping from property bag to scientific notation is nontrivial due to LDML rules.
- if (maxInt > 8) {
- // But #13110: The maximum of 8 digits has unknown origins and is not in the spec.
- // If maxInt is greater than 8, it is set to minInt, even if minInt is greater than 8.
- maxInt = minInt;
- macros.integerWidth = IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(minInt).truncateAt(maxInt);
- } else if (maxInt > minInt && minInt > 1) {
- // Bug #13289: if maxInt > minInt > 1, then minInt should be 1.
- minInt = 1;
- macros.integerWidth = IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(minInt).truncateAt(maxInt);
- }
- int engineering = maxInt < 0 ? -1 : maxInt;
- macros.notation = ScientificNotation(
- // Engineering interval:
- static_cast<int8_t>(engineering),
- // Enforce minimum integer digits (for patterns like "000.00E0"):
- (engineering == minInt),
- // Minimum exponent digits:
- static_cast<digits_t>(properties.minimumExponentDigits),
- // Exponent sign always shown:
- properties.exponentSignAlwaysShown ? UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS : UNUM_SIGN_AUTO);
- // Scientific notation also involves overriding the rounding mode.
- // TODO: Overriding here is a bit of a hack. Should this logic go earlier?
- if (macros.precision.fType == Precision::PrecisionType::RND_FRACTION) {
- // For the purposes of rounding, get the original min/max int/frac, since the local
- // variables have been manipulated for display purposes.
- int maxInt_ = properties.maximumIntegerDigits;
- int minInt_ = properties.minimumIntegerDigits;
- int minFrac_ = properties.minimumFractionDigits;
- int maxFrac_ = properties.maximumFractionDigits;
- if (minInt_ == 0 && maxFrac_ == 0) {
- // Patterns like "#E0" and "##E0", which mean no rounding!
- macros.precision = Precision::unlimited().withMode(roundingMode);
- } else if (minInt_ == 0 && minFrac_ == 0) {
- // Patterns like "#.##E0" (no zeros in the mantissa), which mean round to maxFrac+1
- macros.precision = Precision::constructSignificant(1, maxFrac_ + 1).withMode(roundingMode);
- } else {
- int maxSig_ = minInt_ + maxFrac_;
- // Bug #20058: if maxInt_ > minInt_ > 1, then minInt_ should be 1.
- if (maxInt_ > minInt_ && minInt_ > 1) {
- minInt_ = 1;
- }
- int minSig_ = minInt_ + minFrac_;
- // To avoid regression, maxSig is not reset when minInt_ set to 1.
- // TODO: Reset maxSig_ = 1 + minFrac_ to follow the spec.
- macros.precision = Precision::constructSignificant(minSig_, maxSig_).withMode(roundingMode);
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////
- //////////////////////
- if (!properties.compactStyle.isNull()) {
- if (properties.compactStyle.getNoError() == UNumberCompactStyle::UNUM_LONG) {
- macros.notation = Notation::compactLong();
- } else {
- macros.notation = Notation::compactShort();
- }
- // Do not forward the affix provider.
- macros.affixProvider = nullptr;
- }
- /////////////////
- /////////////////
- macros.scale = scaleFromProperties(properties);
- //////////////////////
- //////////////////////
- if (exportedProperties != nullptr) {
- exportedProperties->currency = currency;
- exportedProperties->roundingMode = roundingMode;
- exportedProperties->minimumIntegerDigits = minInt;
- exportedProperties->maximumIntegerDigits = maxInt == -1 ? INT32_MAX : maxInt;
- Precision rounding_;
- if (precision.fType == Precision::PrecisionType::RND_CURRENCY) {
- rounding_ = precision.withCurrency(currency, status);
- } else {
- rounding_ = precision;
- }
- int minFrac_ = minFrac;
- int maxFrac_ = maxFrac;
- int minSig_ = minSig;
- int maxSig_ = maxSig;
- double increment_ = 0.0;
- if (rounding_.fType == Precision::PrecisionType::RND_FRACTION) {
- minFrac_ = rounding_.fUnion.fracSig.fMinFrac;
- maxFrac_ = rounding_.fUnion.fracSig.fMaxFrac;
- } else if (rounding_.fType == Precision::PrecisionType::RND_INCREMENT) {
- increment_ = rounding_.fUnion.increment.fIncrement;
- minFrac_ = rounding_.fUnion.increment.fMinFrac;
- maxFrac_ = rounding_.fUnion.increment.fMinFrac;
- } else if (rounding_.fType == Precision::PrecisionType::RND_SIGNIFICANT) {
- minSig_ = rounding_.fUnion.fracSig.fMinSig;
- maxSig_ = rounding_.fUnion.fracSig.fMaxSig;
- }
- exportedProperties->minimumFractionDigits = minFrac_;
- exportedProperties->maximumFractionDigits = maxFrac_;
- exportedProperties->minimumSignificantDigits = minSig_;
- exportedProperties->maximumSignificantDigits = maxSig_;
- exportedProperties->roundingIncrement = increment_;
- }
- return macros;
-void PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::setTo(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties, UErrorCode&) {
- fBogus = false;
- // There are two ways to set affixes in DecimalFormat: via the pattern string (applyPattern), and via the
- // explicit setters (setPositivePrefix and friends). The way to resolve the settings is as follows:
- //
- // 1) If the explicit setting is present for the field, use it.
- // 2) Otherwise, follows UTS 35 rules based on the pattern string.
- //
- // Importantly, the explicit setters affect only the one field they override. If you set the positive
- // prefix, that should not affect the negative prefix. Since it is impossible for the user of this class
- // to know whether the origin for a string was the override or the pattern, we have to say that we always
- // have a negative subpattern and perform all resolution logic here.
- // Convenience: Extract the properties into local variables.
- // Variables are named with three chars: [p/n][p/s][o/p]
- // [p/n] => p for positive, n for negative
- // [p/s] => p for prefix, s for suffix
- // [o/p] => o for escaped custom override string, p for pattern string
- UnicodeString ppo = AffixUtils::escape(properties.positivePrefix);
- UnicodeString pso = AffixUtils::escape(properties.positiveSuffix);
- UnicodeString npo = AffixUtils::escape(properties.negativePrefix);
- UnicodeString nso = AffixUtils::escape(properties.negativeSuffix);
- const UnicodeString& ppp = properties.positivePrefixPattern;
- const UnicodeString& psp = properties.positiveSuffixPattern;
- const UnicodeString& npp = properties.negativePrefixPattern;
- const UnicodeString& nsp = properties.negativeSuffixPattern;
- if (!properties.positivePrefix.isBogus()) {
- posPrefix = ppo;
- } else if (!ppp.isBogus()) {
- posPrefix = ppp;
- } else {
- // UTS 35: Default positive prefix is empty string.
- posPrefix = u"";
- }
- if (!properties.positiveSuffix.isBogus()) {
- posSuffix = pso;
- } else if (!psp.isBogus()) {
- posSuffix = psp;
- } else {
- // UTS 35: Default positive suffix is empty string.
- posSuffix = u"";
- }
- if (!properties.negativePrefix.isBogus()) {
- negPrefix = npo;
- } else if (!npp.isBogus()) {
- negPrefix = npp;
- } else {
- // UTS 35: Default negative prefix is "-" with positive prefix.
- // Important: We prepend the "-" to the pattern, not the override!
- negPrefix = ppp.isBogus() ? u"-" : u"-" + ppp;
- }
- if (!properties.negativeSuffix.isBogus()) {
- negSuffix = nso;
- } else if (!nsp.isBogus()) {
- negSuffix = nsp;
- } else {
- // UTS 35: Default negative prefix is the positive prefix.
- negSuffix = psp.isBogus() ? u"" : psp;
- }
-char16_t PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::charAt(int flags, int i) const {
- return getStringInternal(flags).charAt(i);
-int PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::length(int flags) const {
- return getStringInternal(flags).length();
-UnicodeString PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::getString(int32_t flags) const {
- return getStringInternal(flags);
-const UnicodeString& PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::getStringInternal(int32_t flags) const {
- bool prefix = (flags & AFFIX_PREFIX) != 0;
- bool negative = (flags & AFFIX_NEGATIVE_SUBPATTERN) != 0;
- if (prefix && negative) {
- return negPrefix;
- } else if (prefix) {
- return posPrefix;
- } else if (negative) {
- return negSuffix;
- } else {
- return posSuffix;
- }
-bool PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::positiveHasPlusSign() const {
- // TODO: Change the internal APIs to propagate out the error?
- ErrorCode localStatus;
- return AffixUtils::containsType(posPrefix, TYPE_PLUS_SIGN, localStatus) ||
- AffixUtils::containsType(posSuffix, TYPE_PLUS_SIGN, localStatus);
-bool PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::hasNegativeSubpattern() const {
- // See comments in the constructor for more information on why this is always true.
- return true;
-bool PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::negativeHasMinusSign() const {
- ErrorCode localStatus;
- return AffixUtils::containsType(negPrefix, TYPE_MINUS_SIGN, localStatus) ||
- AffixUtils::containsType(negSuffix, TYPE_MINUS_SIGN, localStatus);
-bool PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::hasCurrencySign() const {
- ErrorCode localStatus;
- return AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(posPrefix, localStatus) ||
- AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(posSuffix, localStatus) ||
- AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(negPrefix, localStatus) ||
- AffixUtils::hasCurrencySymbols(negSuffix, localStatus);
-bool PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::containsSymbolType(AffixPatternType type, UErrorCode& status) const {
- return AffixUtils::containsType(posPrefix, type, status) ||
- AffixUtils::containsType(posSuffix, type, status) ||
- AffixUtils::containsType(negPrefix, type, status) ||
- AffixUtils::containsType(negSuffix, type, status);
-bool PropertiesAffixPatternProvider::hasBody() const {
- return true;
-void CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::setTo(const CurrencyPluralInfo& cpi,
- const DecimalFormatProperties& properties,
- UErrorCode& status) {
- // We need to use a PropertiesAffixPatternProvider, not the simpler version ParsedPatternInfo,
- // because user-specified affix overrides still need to work.
- fBogus = false;
- DecimalFormatProperties pluralProperties(properties);
- for (int32_t plural = 0; plural < StandardPlural::COUNT; plural++) {
- const char* keyword = StandardPlural::getKeyword(static_cast<StandardPlural::Form>(plural));
- UnicodeString patternString;
- patternString = cpi.getCurrencyPluralPattern(keyword, patternString);
- PatternParser::parseToExistingProperties(
- patternString,
- pluralProperties,
- status);
- affixesByPlural[plural].setTo(pluralProperties, status);
- }
-char16_t CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::charAt(int32_t flags, int32_t i) const {
- int32_t pluralOrdinal = (flags & AFFIX_PLURAL_MASK);
- return affixesByPlural[pluralOrdinal].charAt(flags, i);
-int32_t CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::length(int32_t flags) const {
- int32_t pluralOrdinal = (flags & AFFIX_PLURAL_MASK);
- return affixesByPlural[pluralOrdinal].length(flags);
-UnicodeString CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::getString(int32_t flags) const {
- int32_t pluralOrdinal = (flags & AFFIX_PLURAL_MASK);
- return affixesByPlural[pluralOrdinal].getString(flags);
-bool CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::positiveHasPlusSign() const {
- return affixesByPlural[StandardPlural::OTHER].positiveHasPlusSign();
-bool CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::hasNegativeSubpattern() const {
- return affixesByPlural[StandardPlural::OTHER].hasNegativeSubpattern();
-bool CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::negativeHasMinusSign() const {
- return affixesByPlural[StandardPlural::OTHER].negativeHasMinusSign();
-bool CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::hasCurrencySign() const {
- return affixesByPlural[StandardPlural::OTHER].hasCurrencySign();
-bool CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::containsSymbolType(AffixPatternType type, UErrorCode& status) const {
- return affixesByPlural[StandardPlural::OTHER].containsSymbolType(type, status);
-bool CurrencyPluralInfoAffixProvider::hasBody() const {
- return affixesByPlural[StandardPlural::OTHER].hasBody();
-#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */